Xavier ~ Best Friends Brother

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To tell the truth I have secretly liked my best friends brother since I was nine years old. Ever since I went round her house and saw him I would just melt and instantly fell in love.

        Today Sarah and I planned to have a non stop film marathon. I got out of bed stretching; smiling about the day to come. My body shuffled over to my closet where I grabbed a set of clothes:

        After picking out an outfit I headed over to the bathroom where I preceded to get ready and have a wash.

        I looked in the mirror at myself 'I think we are ready to go' I thought to myself. I spun around grabbing my bag full of DVD's and headed downstairs.

        "Bye I'll be back late" I called up the stairs to my mother.

        "Alright honey" I grabbed my keys and opened the front door. The summer breeze hit me. A smile spread across my lips; God I love summer. My car was in the driveway waiting for me to drive her. I unlocked my baby and sat inside. I shoved the keys in the ignition and began to drive to Sarah's. This is going to be a fun day.

        It didn't take that long to get there 10-15 minutes tops. I got out locking the door behind me. Her house looked pretty big on the outside and very nice and homey on the in. I knocked on the door waiting for Sarah to open the door. It wasn't Sarah in fact it was her brother Xavier. I'm guessing he just woke up as he was just in his boxers and had messy hair. A blushed formed on my cheeks. Quickly I turned my head so he didn't notice that I was staring.

        "Oh hey _____ come on in" He moved aside and I gladly waltzed in.

        "So what are you and Sarah up to today then?" He asked with confusion all over his face. I pointed to my bag full of DVD's and smiled.

        "Sarah and I are going to have a movie day"

        "AH cool; mind if I join? I have nothing better to do today" but before I could answer Sarah rushed downstairs.

        "Maybe you should ask your sister I mean I don't Mind but you never know what Sarah might say"

        "What does he need to ask me?" Asked Sarah standing next to me.

        "I asked _____ if I could join your movie day since I have nothing better to do. Also is it alright if I could bring someone else?" Sarah just nodded but told him to hurry up because we were going to start soon. He grinned and dashed upstairs to get ready and dressed. I watched as he disappeared. Sarah grabbed my hand which took me out of my trance. She made me sit on the couch and we both watched Sponge Bob while we waited.

        About 15 minutes later the door bell rang. I jumped out of my skin and held my chest as it scared the living day lights out of me. I peered over at Sarah and saw her get up and answered the door. From what I could see it was a petite girl with platinum blonde hair with a fairly big bust.  I wanted to know who she was; so I got off of the couch and made my way over to her. Before I could ask who she was Xavier came down the stairs and wrapped his arms around her waist. Jealousy hit me as I watched them two hug each other.

        "Hey guys this is my girlfriend Georgia she will be joining us today" This made me really upset but since he never knew that I loved him I kept my feelings at bay. Sarah could sense this and gave me a sympathetic look.

        We all walked down the hall and into the film room. I chose to sit at the back with Sarah whilst Xavier and Georgia sat nearer the front. The first film started to play.

        During the film I couldn't help but get distracted by the two love birds making out. Sarah noticed this and leaned over towards me and whispered.

        "If you want to ditch this idea and go upstairs to my room I'm up for that". You see Sarah knows how much and long I have loved her brother. She has been really supportive she never to a soul. I agreed to her offer and by the time I was silently shuffling out; I looked back at the pair sucking face and a tear rolled down my face.

        We were now in Sarah's room. I was just blankly staring up at the ceiling thinking of many things. Whilst Sarah was on her laptop playing some music. It was now 7:00pm and Sarah and I haven't moved from our spots. Xavier came through the door without knocking on the door. I realized that Georgia wasn't hanging on to him so I thought that she just left.

        "Why's you guys leave?" I peered over at Sarah who just shrugged.

        "I'm not leaving until I know the truth of why you left" He crossed his arms over his chest. I just couldn't tell him everything and how I got jealous of him and his own girlfriend being together, so I just kept quiet and stared out the window.

        "Tell me!" he raised his voice which made we jump a little.

        "We don't have to tell you anything" I couldn't take it anymore so I got up from the bed and ran past Xavier and Sarah; I rushed down the stairs  and out the front door. I wanted to get away  from here as possible so I swiftly moved to my car. My bag fell to the ground dropping every con-tense that was in there. My feelings turned into frustration as this gave them more of a chance to catch up to me which I didn't want. Xavier came out and grabbed my shoulder making me face him.

        "Why did you leave was it that important?" he continued to shout. I hated his voice when it got louder. That's when my stupid hormones kicked in and I began to cry again. I just shook my head not answering him. At that moment Sarah came bursting through the front door and rushed over yanking Xavier off of me.

        They both began to argue whether I should tell him or not. My tears left and anger boiled inside me I just wanted them to shut up.

        "Shut up! I left because I couldn't bear seeing you and Georgia together because I have loved you since I was young. Okay?" Xavier looked shocked. At this point Georgia ran out over towards me. Pain shot through me as Georgia slapped me across the face.

        "Stop dreaming _____ he has never loved you back you here me?!" I held my face as my cheek began to sting. I shoved Georgia out of the way and opened my car; getting in I sped down the road. Through the rear view mirror I could see Georgia clung onto Xavier. He pushed her away shouting at her about something. Then he began running after me.

        A red light was jut up ahead I cussed and stopped. Xavier caught up quickly.

        "Please turn green, Please turn green" too late. Xavier caught up. He opened the passengers door and climbed in. Before I could react he held my head in between his hands and leaned in. The gap closed between us closed as we kissed.

        Horns sounded which made us part. A green light was shown o I began driving again.

        "_____ when you told me that you liked me since you were young I felt relieved"

        "Why?" I asked

        "Because I have felt the same way about you" I peered over at him to find both of us smiling.

        "What about Georgia?"

        "Over" He simply claimed. A grin crept across my face. I leaned over towards him and kissed him once again

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