Over My Dead Body

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"So why did your parents call you Robin? They must have been super sweet."

I smiled at him looking innocent, but I know I got to him. I hit him with a simple question trying to learn more about his parents.

I could obviously tell the nickname was from a parent because his eyes had a tint of sadness in them. I saw when he inhaled the fear gas he was screaming about his parents. I also knew he was angry because of his finger twitched. He was obviously trained well to hide his emotions, so the movement was small and quick, but I was watching him way too closely to miss something like that.

My dad told me that when people's hands twitched or moved was a reaction to their fight or flight response. When someone moves their hands they want to fight, basically indicating that something made them angry. When someone's legs were shaking it meant they wanted to run away in fear.

"The reason.. They were..." he tried to start.

"There's no way of getting around this question is there?" he sighed already knowing the answer to his own question.

"I did... a sport as a kid and they always said I looked like a bird, like a robin." he replied looking down at the floor.

Score! That was honestly more than I expected to get out of him. I couldn't see his face because he was looking at the floor, but he was obviously having trouble hiding something. I was so proud of myself to getting to him, but nothing could have prepared me for the question he asked next.

"Why have you never broken out of here?" he asked leaning against the cage bars regaining composure.

"It's locked, do you think I want to stay here?" I answered rolling my eyes.

"You obviously don't want to stay in here and you know how to get out. What is holding you back from escaping?" he questioned.

"I didn't get to ask my question." I protest, trying to avoid the question.

"You did ask your question. You asked if I thought you wanted to be locked up in here and my answer was no. Now answer my question, you know the rules." he demanded.

His words were like a blades trying to cut through to my mind. I am such an idiot, I walked right into that one. Now it was up to me to get myself out. He was studying me like a hawk, staring me down until I spoke.

"I have tried, but what is the point of running when Penguin will find me and drag me back here. I have everything I need in this hallway, things that most people in Gotham would die to have. There is no reason to leave. Sometimes we need to sacrifice freedom for survival. I get enough freedom, it's not like he locks me in here all day." I respond smoothly.

"He only lets you out in order to steal, that isn't freedom!" Robin said.

"Why did you join a team? I heard you work alone." I asked simply ignoring his question.

"It's always nice for someone to have your back because we can't always do it alone." he answered.

"There is one thing I still don't understand. Why haven't you taken off my mask?" he asked confused.

"Respect." I said bluntly and looked at the cage ceiling.

He looked at me numbly and a little shocked. He was at a lost for words. This question is the exact question I asked myself when we dragged his ass here. Penguin wasn't interested in knowing who Robin really was. The only thing that mattered to him was the fact that he was dead. That didn't stop me from wondering who the boy behind the mask was. I was surprised he had been able to keep his identity a secret for this long.

Then the conversation we had on the Bioship came back to me. It was true that Penguin's utmost value was respect. After all, he was the gentleman of crime. He even had respect for the Dynamic Duo. They would come foil his plans without fail. Not just anyone would be so brave and persistent to stop Penguin's plans. Even though Penguin wishes death upon both their heads, he still has respect for them.

"So I finally earned your respect. Or did I always have it?" he raised his brow and smiled.

I struggled with a comeback and concentrated on my boots thinking of one. Ugh! Comebacks were probably one of the hardest parts of being a villain. You were supposed to talk and threaten your opponent. It was extremely hard to make up witty comebacks on the fly.

"Enjoy the 'aster'" I made air quotes, "while you can. Trust me it won't last long." I tried to say seriously.

I could even keep a straight face when he looked at me like and idiot. He had the smile of a winner and seemed pleased with himself. My comeback sucked, let's not lie to myself.

"Now it's my turn to make you a deal. I can get you out of here and can provide protection if you help me." he offered.

Over my dead body.

"I don't need protection from anyone. I can protect myself, Mr. Superhero. You should know this by now and I can't let you leave." I responded coldly yet reasonably.

"I know you don't want to do this. Why are you betraying the Team?" Boy Wonder asked concerned.

"And that's where you're wrong Wonder Boy. I want to do this, this was my choice. Just because I acted nice around you and all your little, sidekick friends, doesn't mean I am. Don't you get it? It was all an act, the person you thought I was isn't anything like me. You don't know me and you never will, I'd like to keep it that way. If you were really that smart, you'd start treating me like an actual threat!" I stated harshly.

He flinched back a little at my tone. I didn't feel guilty for betraying the Team. They were just part of a mission I had to accomplish, nothing more than tools in the plan. Robin was no exception and there was no way I was going to let him escape this cage.

I couldn't even begin to image the horrors that would follow if I did let him escape. My father would probably beat me to a bloody pulp. Gotham's elite would want my head for spoiling their plan. Lastly, if I wasn't already dead, I would be back on the streets, starving and stealing. Instead of running away from my family and the cops I would be running from Gotham's criminals and a team of highly trained sidekicks. There wasn't a chance that I was going to let that happen.


It took me forever to find a good title for this book. Please comment what you think of the title because I am still not sure. 



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