Another Word

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/Sorry I had to change the escape plan in the last chapter. You might want to reread that last part. My bad./


We were in the middle of a face off between Superboy and Aqualad when the mountain received a call. I pulled out the holo and answered the call. Batman must have an urgent mission for us! We were finally going to stretch our legs a bit. A face popped up on the holo, but it wasn't Batman's intimidating mask.

Joker then took up the full of the screen with a huge toothy grin.

He let out a soul shattering laugh, "Hello there sidekicks, I'm the wondrous Joker." he introduced himself with a bow.

"We all know who you are Joker." I stated unamused.

"Tsk, tsk. You mustn't interrupt me. I have someone of interest, named Swan? Please correct me if I'm wrong, Lovebird." he laughed.

My face was unchanging as all eyes turned to me. If there was one thing I could do correctly, it was hide my emotions. The nerve of that psychopathic clown! Hostage situations were always the hardest, because if you made a wrong move innocent civilians would be killed. Although this hostage wasn't civilian or innocent. To everyone else she was simply a petty thief, but to me she was so much more. Now this is where relationships never workout for me. 

My loved ones would be threatened, taken hostage, and be mentally scared. The sick game villains always play with heroes, but I wasn't about to let my feeling blur my judgement. Swan was just like any other hostage, so she will be treated as such.

"Robin, what is he talking about?" Aqualad asked confused.

"He has Silver Swan." I stated harshly.

"Ding, ding, ding! Correct, and if you don't want her blood to be on your hands, I suggest you do as I say. Come alone and bring your ragtag team. If a member of the Justice League is to be seen anywhere near me and the girl, her head will roll. If you decide not to show up in the next hour then you can also say goodbye. The choice is yours kiddies." Joker laughed at his hilarious joke and hung up. 

I was already tracing his call and found that it had come from a remote island off the coast of Gotham Harbor. My body and mind was calm when I turned to the team to give them the news.

"Gotham Harbor." I stated simply.

"We're not seriously falling for it, it's obviously a trap. Superhero 101. As much as I hate to say it, I say we should contact the League." Artemis spoke out.

"If we do and Swan is really being held hostage, she'll be killed. It may be a trap, but what choice to we have when there are lives on the line." the martian said worried.

"Why should we care if she dies? She's just another criminal." Superboy stated coldly.

"It's still a life, good or bad, and we don't kill." Aqualad said sternly.

"We wouldn't be the one killing her, Joker would be. If that's another criminal off the streets, then what's the harm?" the Kryptonian shot back angrily.

"I think our friend, Robin, has some explaining to do before we make any rash or harmful decisions." Aqualad brought the conversation to a halt.

The team looked at me expectantly, but I just shrugged my shoulders. 

"I don't know anything about the kidnapping, besides what we've been told. I'm not the leader anyways, what's your call Kal?" I stated calmly, without a single trembling vowel. 

"I say you help lead this one. You know Joker best since you're the only one who has ever fought him before." the Atlantean decided. 

He looked around the room for approval and everyone nodded. 

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