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I packed up my notebook with the rest of my stuff and swung the backpack over my shoulder with a huge sigh. This was going to be a long day and I was just waiting for it to be over. Science honestly sucked without Dick here. Half of me wants him to be at school to make me laugh, but the other half was thankful beyond belief that he was absent. 

My next class was close by so I quickly walked into the girl's restroom and checked the stalls making sure no one was there. I brushed my hair to the side cautiously to reveal the purple and yellow tinted skin that surrounded my right eye. The cut on my cheek was dried, but it was still healing. I covered my face back up with my side bangs making sure not to touch my face. I ran out of the restroom and calmly strolled to my next class.

I was still extremely sore from last night's beating, but I obviously couldn't show it. That meant no limping or groaning at school. I just blended in with the crowd of people walking down the hall like a ghost in a graveyard. Which wasn't hard to do considering that we were all wearing the same clothes.


"Bye Artemis, see ya tomorrow," I called as I waved goodbye.

I started my long trek to Dick's house to drop off his homework and to investigate. He called in sick, but he hasn't answered any of my texts. He could just be sleeping. He's sick Kayo, he's not even giving you a thought. Quit being self-centered. 

After the long walk I finally reach Wayne Manor. The fountain and the garden surrounding it are so peaceful. The mansion sits there in all of its glory towering over me as I hop up the steps. I gently ring the door bell and peek through the small glass window on the door. I see movement of the other side of the door as the door knob twists to open.

"Ms. Swiftlet, what do I owe the pleasure?" Alfred greeted politely, but he seemed on edge. 

"Well Mr. Pennyworth, I was just stopping by to drop off Mr. Grayson's homework. Is he holding up alright?" I asked matching Alfred's polite tone.

"Master Dick is not well, but don't you worry, he's getting better. I will let him know of your visit," Alfred informed.

"Thank you Mr. Pennyworth. Also please let Dick know that Science is extremely boring without him, and that he needs to get better soon," I joked and smiled.

The butler returned the smile, "Of course, I will let him know when he wakes up. Thank you for stopping by, Master Dick is very lucky to have a friend like you," he complimented. 

"No, Dick is lucky to have a friend like you," I insisted.

The old man chuckled, "Have a nice day Ms. Swiftlet." 

"I will. Thank you!" I waved behind me.

I walked off the porch as I heard the door close shut behind me. Alfred seemed a bit off today. He was hiding something, maybe even lying. What does he have to hide about Dick being sick? The idea of the matter didn't make sense, but something about Alfred's demeanor was off. 

Knowing Alfred, he's probably just worried about Dick's health. I started on my long hike once more, but this time there was a skip in my step. I don't know what it is, but the thought of all the fun Dick and I have together makes me want to smile. Even after all the beating and blood yesterday, just the thought of Dick wiped my memories clean. I'd never had a friend like Dick before, he seemed to understand me and know me.

My smile starts to vanish at the thought of Dick finding out who I really was. In reality, I was just a petty criminal, a want-a-be, a murder, a liar, and a thief. Thankfully, that would never happen because I wouldn't allow it. I would never let my secret life ruin my real one. Then again, which side of me was the real me, Swan or Kayo? They seem to clash so much that I can't tell who's real and who's fake.

I shake my head violently, stop thinking things like that. I have to focus now, the Team and Batman are searching all over Gotham for you. Every step I take must go according to plan, because I'm walking on eggshells. Ha, bird puns. Kayo, quit laughing at your own jokes, I scold myself. 

"Ah Kayo, I've been patiently waiting for you, my darling. I have great news!" the big nosed man says sweetly as I walk into the warehouse.

"Oh ya?" I question urging him to continue pretending like nothing happened yesterday.

"We are moving back to the Iceberg Lounge today! Everything will be back to normal soon enough. All though we still have unfinished business with the team of sidekicks and Batman. Since you let Robin escape, Gotham's elite had to tweak the plans, but what's the past can't be fixed, so we must move on. Once we get settled in back home, I will explain the rest of the plans to you," Penguin stated enthusiastically.

I nodded, "I will pack up my belongings right away Penguin," I agreed.

I'm not gonna lie, I am excited to move back to the Iceberg Lounge. It'll be nice to have my own hallway back with Penguin's prized birds. Although, moving back means that I'll have to work again. It makes me groan just thinking about it.

"I almost forgot to tell you, funds are starting to run low again. You can go and take what ever you please, just come home with something valuable. Consider it an apology gift. Prove to me you can complete a simple task and then maybe we can forget the whole Robin incident," Penguin ended harshly.

"Of course Penguin, you will not be disappointed," I bowed.

"You better be sure. Now go," Penguin commanded as he disappeared behind the velvet curtains surrounding his bed.

I rushed to my cage and started to shove everything into my backpack. I didn't own much, so the bag was light when I finished. I hopped into the black car outside the warehouse, and waited patiently for Penguin. 

It was a new day in Gotham. I was back to what I do best, no more superhero gigs for me anytime soon. At least I hoped so.


Please let me know how to improve my writing and plot. I am also going to take a small break from writing and reread my books so far. This way I won't miss any small details.




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