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After Aqualad and Aquaman created a wall of water to protect Gotham, we headed back to Mount Justice. The entire ride there was silent and no one spoke. I stared out the window of the Bioship while the Team stared at me. I could feel their looks of pity and despair. I knew M'gann was silently crying and Artemis was trying to comfort her without a smile. 

When we made it back we were debriefed of Swan's full profile her secret identity. Batman didn't mention her past, probably thinking it would make us all feel worse. We were given a full three day break, but we were still heroes and there were still people who needed our help. 

I kept trying to push her out of my mind, my memories, but she always swung back into my thoughts like a trapeze. Everyone tried to comfort me, telling me she was still in my heart, but I knew they were just empty words. She was gone, dead, and never coming back. I told myself this, but my heart refused to listen. Stupid heart, your one job is to follow the brain, you are not to think on your own.

Now we were back to work with dull faces and unwilling bodies. Batman tried to pretend nothing had happened, but he nor anyone else really new how to deal with the situation. Pretending like it never happened seem to be the best option, so we went with it.

"This is Psimon. We has telepathic powers and is known for causing memory loss." Batman informed us with the help of the holo. 

How I wish I could lose all of my memories right now. Forget all about Swan, all the pain that came with it would be gone in a snap. In a single glance this Psimon guy could take away all of our pain and suffering. The Team my have not known her like I did, but they knew her as a friend. We were all hurting, and it would be unfair of me if I said I was the only one having trouble moving on. That's why I didn't have trouble agreeing to this mission. 

Part of me was hoping that I did lose my memories. I wanted someone to take them, anyone. Just make me forget, I'm begging you. I never want to see that masked face, bright eyes, and soft smile ever again, I couldn't take it anymore. 

The whole reason I became Robin was because my parent's death showed me that I can't let anyone else die at the hands of evil. I could let death win, even if it meant I would have to fight until the end. It was my job to protect others from the greedy hands of evil and death, yet I have fail. I've failed Swan, my parents, and most of all myself.


"Better question. What am I doing in Bialya?" I asked out loud to myself.

I remembered Batman ordering radio silence, but that was about it. I went to the location where I had left a marker. For what? I have no idea. I investigated the site, but just then I was over come by Bialyan soldiers. I let out a laugh as I disappeared into the smoke. Then I did what I do best, kick butt. Duh.

"It's nice to see a familiar face!" I smiled seeing KF.

Once we had hogtied the creeps, we listened to a girl who looked a lot like Martian Manhunter. We agreed to let her enter our mind in order to regain out memories. That's when we all remembered Aqualad and ran to find him. He was dehydrated and murmuring the name 'Tula'. 

"We can't risk firefight with Aqualad K.O.ed like this." I froze.

K.O., K.O.? I swear those letters meant something, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I didn't have much time to think since the soldiers were closing in on our location. I quickly refocused on the mission and took out the squad of soldiers, Robin style. 

Once we saved Superboy and Aqualad, we were in the Bioship once again, but this time Superboy brought a friend. I didn't really think much of it after Miss Martian told us that it helped Superboy escape. I figured it was on our side and I shrugged off the idea. 

M'gann, however, didn't look too good. She seem nervous about something, I think I even saw a little guilt in her eyes. The mission was over, why was she so on edge? I glanced at the other team members, but they all seemed to be their normal selves. 

"Hey Miss. M, you feeling okay?" I asked M'gann while everyone was focused on the 'souvenir'.

"Huh? Oh, ya. Never better." she smiled startled.

She was obviously lying, but if she didn't feel comfortable sharing, I wasn't going to push. I was about to turn back to look out the window again, but M'gann stopped me.

"Uh Robin?" she asked unsure if she should continue.

"Yeah?" I urged her on.

"It's nothing really, but I was wondering if you remember everything clearly. I want to make sure I got all of your memories back to you." the martian said shyly.

I laughed, "Well, how am I supposed to remember if I didn't get all my memories back?" I asked jokingly.

She gave me a smile, "Just making sure, you can never be to careful." she finished cheerfully.

I smiled and pulled up my wrist holo making sure we had remembered everything about the mission. I looked up when I heard Wally's stifled laugh from across the ship. I looked up from my work to see the rest of the team laughing and smiling at the spherical robot crushing Connor. I laughed myself and got out of my seat to join them.


I couldn't let him suffer that much okay! 



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