Dead End

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We all hopped out of the Bioship in our modified thermal suits. I wore ski goggles since the snow was burning my eyes. There was nothing but snow for as far as the eye could see. Where was Wally? I sighed to myself, but I wasn't about to give up yet, and neither was the Team.

We all walked in a close huddle like a group of penguins using each other's body heat for warmth. Beast Boy turned into a polar bear and was still shivering. We kept trudging through the pure white snow. The wind was kicking up and I casually wrapped my cloak around my body. I kept watching our surroundings while we scouted the surrounding area.

I didn't even know what we were looking for. Any footprints or items left behind by the speedster would be long gone by now. I couldn't help but think about the chance of finding Wally's frozen, lifeless body under the snow. I shuddered at the thought and that's when I heard a growl come from behind me. I whipped around ready to attack when I saw Beast Boy digging. I prepared myself for the worst, tears were already forming around my eyes. I held my breath until I realized the polar bear was scratching metal.

Nightwing motioned for Blue Beetle to laser cut the metal sheet. Once that was done, Nightwing kicked the disc in and motioned for the rest of us to follow. We had no idea what we were getting into.

Blaring alarms started to sound members of the Reach started to approach us. We were obviously outnumbered, but not outgunned. I took out a few of the dirtbags myself and we easily finished the rest of them off. Nothing was going to get in the way of us and Wally. Nothing.

We marched down the halls with the alarms still sounding. We busted down every door in what seemed to be a lab. We barged through two double doors and the sirens silenced. There standing before us was not an alien, but a man. A man we all knew too well.

Lex Luthor.

Nightwing didn't even wait for him to speak. He quickly kicked him to the side with such force I thought I could hear his ribs crack. We all winced back at the sight and Nightwing's anger. He wasn't whelmed, not whelmed at all, but no one could blame him. 

 Every guard was pushed to the floor, and every door was completely annihilated. I heard a gasp and the thundering footsteps of Nightwing. Floating in the tube was the one and only Wally West. He was dressed in all white instead of his usual red and yellow. Nightwing went to smash the glass, but the voice stopped him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Luthor coughed, "Unless you wish to murder your friend."

Nightwing stomped over to the broken businessman. He lifted him by his neck; Luthor groaned in pain. He was carried over to a circle of screens and buttons in front of the tube that held our friend.

"Let Wally go!" Nightwing growled in a deep voice.

"Maybe we could negotiate some terms." Lex croaked.

Now that's when the mature bird lost it. He slammed the man's bald head onto the edge of the controls. He limply fell to the floor like a rag doll. He was still breathing, but he wasn't going to wake any time soon.

There was silence for a while until I decided to step up to the plate. I calmly dragged Lex Luthor to the monitors and placed his limp hand on the screen. The controls clicked on and all the screens lit up. We each manned a screen trying to understand how we could release Wally safely.

"T-They were trying to absorb his speed. They were going to use it for an everlasting b-battery." Batgirl gulped.

"The nerve of those bastards," I mumbled so no one could hear it.

"He must have been working with the Reach, even after they tried to destroy the world," Robin stated sickened by the thought.

"It's all business to Luthor," Aqualad spat.

I began to drain the liquid surrounding the speedster. The whole team freaked out in surprise. 

I raised my hand, "Sorry, that was me."

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Batgirl inquired nervously.

"I hope so," I mumbled.

"What did you just do?" Impulse asked.

"I drained the surrounding chemical and refilled it with a dilute. They were unable to turn his speed into a battery, but he will be unconscious for a few days. He will need constant nourishment until he wakes up. We just need to wait a few minutes for the diluting process to be over," I informed.

Not a word was spoken during those five painful minutes. We were all staring at the tube, not having the courage to look each other in the eye. A timer beeped and the liquid started to drain. The tube opened and everyone ran over with towels and a blanket. Artemis who had been silent the entire time since we had gotten her started crying. She connected their heads whispering so quietly and quickly that the rest of us couldn't make out a single word. She held the speedster in her arms, and with the help of Guardian, lifted the sleeping speedster into the Bioship. 


It's been three days of absolutely zero sleep. I could tell the Team was worried that he would never wake up. They were starting to doubt me, thinking that I had put him into a coma. I pretended to ignore their glares; although. We watched his vitals without blinking. Right as my eyes were drifting to sleep from the lack of sleep and food the heart monitor started to speed up. The beeping became so fast that the monitor couldn't keep up. Then all of a sudden it flat lined.

Artemis started crying and Nightwing punched the wall. I slammed my fist on the armrest of the chair I was sitting in. I rubbed my temples in frustration. 

"D-Did I miss something?" the body on the medical table asked groggily.

"Wally!" Artemis jumped on top of the confused boy.

She squeezed him to death, but not before kissing him a million times. Wally smiled still unsure of where he was. The rest of the Team tackled him once Artemis was done and I smiled. My job here was done, there was nothing left to do. I quickly zetaed out without a word. I plopped down on my bed in Blüdhaven able to finally close my eyes with an eternal smile on my face.


I tricked y'all with that title, didn't I? Or did you know in your heart that Wally was coming back no matter what? Sorry to put you all though so much stress. Thanks so much for reading! I'm so grateful for all my readers who finished all 3 books. You guys are amazing! I'm gonna miss writing for you guys, but if my books get enough readers I may do a few short stories involving the same characters. Thank you all again, and farewell to you all. 



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