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I used my trusty whip to swing myself to the roof. I didn't know any other way to contact Batman so I flipped the switch. A radiant beam shot from the device into the cloudy night. In seconds I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I pulled my hood from my head revealing my mask.

"It's me." I called into the darkness.

"How did you escape?" a deep voice asked from the shadows.

"Nice to see you too. I covered myself in a complete ball of my adhesive so when the bomb exploded I was safe." I explained rethinking the event that had happened in the last two days.

"Why fake your death?" he questioned.

"Who said I was planning this?" I shot back.

"You were in a tough spot and you thought the best option was to fake your death." he said bluntly.

"Well aren't you observant." I spoke coldly with sarcasm in my voice.

"You could have asked for help, reached out, we could have helped you!" Batman said sounding kind of irritated. 

I sat down on the edge of the roof and looked over the city.

"I didn't want you guys risking your lives trying to protect me. You guys shouldn't trouble yourselves with my problems. I just thought there was no other option while still being able to be free." I sighed.

The Dark Knight emerged from the shadow and moved towards me. I glanced over over my shoulder at the hand on my shoulder.

"There's always another option. The team is disturbed by your sudden abcense." Batman informed. 

I turned around, "That's why I signaled you. I wanted to know if you could erase their memory of me." I said in defeat.

"How do you propose I would do that? Even if I could, I never would." Batman stated coldly.

"Hear me out. I want them to forget so they don't feel the pain and so I can start again. The whole reason I faked my death was so that I could have a chance at freedom from Penguin's fist. I'll leave Gotham, find a place where I can use my real name and live a real life." I begged.

There was silence for a long time as I waited for a response. Batman looked deep in thought, but I didn't blame him. Brainwashing a bunch of kids, making them forget their dead friend was a lot to ask for. I'm surprised he's even considering it. We are taking about brainwashing his own son.

"Do you promise you'll stay out of trouble?" Batman finally spoke.

"Uh..." I responded without a definite answer.

"I love flying over rooftops and being one with the night, you understand don't you? Isn't there some small sliver of you that enjoys getting lost in the night, away from your pain?" I asked.

Again, silence.

"The answer is no. I can't brainwash the Team, their memories belong to them and I have no right to steal them." he finished.

He was about to propel himself to the next building when I stopped him.

"What about Dick? He's lost so much, his parents, his chance at a normal life. Please don't make him lose anything else." I begged in a whisper.

I let a tear from my eye. I lied to myself that I forced it there to persuade Batman, but I new the real reason it slid down my cheek.

"You will leave Gotham as soon as possible. Don't come back. I will get the job done as you have requested, but you must also do something for me." he ordered.

"Anything." I stated desperately.

"I don't expect you to be a full time hero, or to keep your head out of trouble, but I want you to live by three rules. One, you may not take a life from anyone, good or bad, no exceptions. Two, I want you to use your skills for some good. Again, I don't expect you to patrol the streets at night, but do at least one helpful deed every month. Finally, live the life you never got. I know exactly how it feels to have your life taken from you, a feeling of hopelessness. Live a life outside of Swan, get a job, have friends. I will wipe their memories for you, but if you break any of these three rules I will take you in, no exceptions." he instructed.

"Are these some moral codes you're trying to force on me?" I joked.

"Yes. Are my terms clear?" he asked.

I nodded. Three rules controlling my every move, what happened to freedom? I sighed, giving up some of my freedoms was worth it if Robin and the team didn't have to suffer. They might even help me be a better person if that's possible. Not gonna lie, I was still going to commit a lot of crimes, but I guess I wouldn't mind doing a little good every month. It'll be hard for me to turn from my evil freedom, but I would do it, to save the Team and me from myself.

I stuck out my hand, "It's a deal." I announced.

Instead of grabbing my hand he engulfed me in a fatherly hug. That's when I another tear escaped from my eye. I wasn't expecting it, but I didn't hate it. I felt like a little kid again. I was being hugged by Batman and I still wasn't sure if I am supposed to be on alert or relieved.

"Do good, but don't do anything stupid." he ordered.

He patted my head tangling my hair. I swung off to Gotham's border as fast as I could before Batman could see me cry.


This chapter is dedicated to my friends Grace and Jordyn. They are dealing with depression right now, and even though neither of them will never read this book, I just want them to know I care for them. If any of you are dealing with depression, this chapter is dedicated to you. There's always another way out, always. Feel free to talk to me, I'll always be here to help. :)

Who is reading my book so quickly? I post a chapter and like five people read it within the hour. XD

Let me know who you are, please! If you don't want to say it in the comments then personally message me! I want to meet you guys so badly. Don't be scared, I don't bite.

...No promises...



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