Queen Bee

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I felt a light tug on my red hoodie sleeve. I looked at who's hand was on my sleeve to see it belonged to a black haired girl with a sparkle in her eye. A sparkle of life and a tint of danger. She pulled me into a dark structured building. I felt dizzy and I felt like the world was spinning around me and the only thing in focus was Kayo.

"Come on! Let's go slow poke, you act like you have never been in a fun house before." Kayo laughed.

"Slow poke? Let's see if you can keep up!" I shot back.

I ran through the spinning tunnel and into the fun house with laughter on my lips. Kayo following right behind. Something in me was telling me to stop laughing, stop smiling, stop...this feeling. It's growing strong and clouding my mind and better judgement. This is the same traitor who hurt my friends, made them face their worst fear. There is no greater torture then to see your nightmares become reality. Then again, the good person in me felt horrible for letting her suffer. I know Batman's goal is to clean the streets of Gotham, and if the thugs kill each other, then why stop them? Since the guilt was still their, I thought this little outing would make up for some of it, I guess.

My thoughts were so conflicting, my identities were clashing. I could barely tell right from left, so I moved forward. I saw my reflections in the distorted mirrors and just stood their and stared. Them a figure came crashing into my back we both toppled to the floor in a mess. Kayo quickly rolls off me with her back to the floor panting.

"Why did you stop? You don't look to good." she pointed out.

"I just got confused by all the mirrors and my reflection. I didn't know where I was going." I lied.

She sat up and leaned against the glass, I slid against the glass right next to her. We didn't look at each other, just our reflections.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Kayo said carefully.

I sighed, "My life has been a huge mess lately. I can't tell you why and I don't want to trouble you with my problems anyways." I looked down and let my messy hair drape over my face.

"Your problems are my problems, but I won't ask. I'm sorry I brought you here. Let's get you home." Kayo apologized.

"You know what, I'm not gonna let anything ruin our fun." a smirk formed on my lips.

I jumped up, "We came here to have fun didn't we?" I ran off with a laugh.

I left my thoughts and troubles in that reflective room and freed myself from their bounds. Nothing was going to ruin today. Kayo may have been a horrible person to Robin and the Team, but she was the best friend Richard Grayson could ever ask for.

I felt the cool breeze on my face as I broke out of the fun house with Kayo on my tail. She burst out of the door laughing.

"How does cotton candy and a game of ring toss sound?" I asked.

"Wonderful, it sound wonderful." she replied with a grin.

We walked side by side to the closest cotton candy booth and I got one for Kayo.

"My treat. It will make up for your sadness when you lose in ring toss." I joked.

"You can try." she laughed.

I was about to buy for the first round when a piercing scream rang through the night. All of a sudden people began running out of the fun house in terror. Once the people had cleared an elegant figure came strutting out of the fun house.

"Is that Queen Bee?" Kayo asked shocked.

"I'm here for the Justice League. There are detonators place along the perimeters on the carnival. I wouldn't advise anyone to leave the party earlier." she lets out a subtle laugh.

The carnival crowd starts to panic, running in circles and falling to the ground. I lose Kayo in the chaos as she is swept up by the crowd. I run to both and hide behind the counter. I contact the Justice League and the Team as I change into my Robin outfit.

"I won't hurt anyone if the Justice League comes to negotiate some of my terms." Queen Bee's voices ringing clear through the chaos.

What was I going to do? I can't just sit here and watch people get trampled, but I could confront Queen Bee on my own. It could be a trap and I had no backup. Who knows where Kayo went. Was she part of this mess? A commanding voice silenced the chaos as heads turned to the skies.

"Disable your bombs now and we can discuss anything you want." Superman's voice rang out.

"Talk first then we will disable the bombs." Queen Bee announced.

"Okay let's talk, but you have to promise to let the people go right after." Wonder Woman agreed.

Queen Bee could control men, so having Wonder Woman handle this one was smart. I guess the League has it under control then? A beeping came from my holo as I answered the call.

"You're on the carnival's grounds, correct?"Batman asked.

"Yes." I replied straightforwardly.

"Good. I need you to tamper with the detonators to see if you can disable them." Batman ordered.

"On it." I replied as I ran to the nearest detonator, but kept my distance.

"Be careful." Batman warned as he logged off.

The device looked motion activated, but the sensors were on the sides. I could climb one of these roller coasters and get on top of the bomb with out being detected. I flipped onto merry-go-round and leaped on top of the fence. Queen Bee and here servants were busy with the Justice League, so I easily went undetected. I unscrewed the panel that covered the motherboard when my concentration was disturbed.


I realized that I never use visuals so I'm gonna try to add some more.



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