Keep Holding On

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Yna's POV

"Good morning Princess, how was your sleep? " Dad asked as he waited for me to eat breakfast.

"It's good Dad" I smiled back at him.

"After this we'll go to your lolo and Lola's house okay. " he said while we're eating.

After breakfast I went upstairs and take a shower. When I came out the shower room I've seen a bunch of messages on my messenger.

I went straight to my desk and face into my laptop.

Billy: I'll come for you just tell me where you are..
Elija: hey Yna where the heck are you Billy needs you.
Camila: girl we missed you so much please reply ASAP.
Susan: Y? Did something happened?? Billy's crying out loud last night just talk to him.
Caleb: Are you and Billy were done?
Billy: Yna please
Billy:tell me where are you.
Billy: I missed you I wanna see you
Billy: hey babe if there is something wrong please tell me. I wanna say sorry.

I responded to Billy's message and said goodbye for good. And then deactivated all of my social media accounts.

I don't know why am I doing this. I guessed I'm afraid to let him go. Afraid to move on with everything. It's a hopeless case between me and Billy so I decided to cut every means of communications we have. I need to move on. And be brave enough to face my new life.

"Knock knock, Yna are you done packing? " My Dad from the other side of my door.

"Yes Dad I'll go downstairs in a bit". I answered and grabbed my iPod and laptop along with my backpack.

"Are all set? " he asked while we're inside the car and I just nodded.

"Are you excited to see lolo and Lola? " he asked me again.

"Yeah off course I am Dad" I said while smiling.

"Miss ka na din nila for sure. " he said with a low tone.

"Ahm Dad how long are we gonna travel to Surigao?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Hmm don't worry we'll ride a plane so it'll be less than two hours from here in Manila"

As we travel I slept having music in my ears. And like he said it's just less than two hours and now we're here in Surigao.

"O Ijah aba dalaga ka na ah such a beautiful young lady"my Lola said and kissed me on my cheek.

"Yeah you really looked like your Lola when she was young" my lolo said and hugged me tight.

"Thanks po." And held their hands to make Mano.

"Mom, Dad I missed you" Dad came to my Grandparents to kiss and hug them.

"Oh apo you can just put your things upstairs. "Lola said when she saw me roaming around their big mansion.

"Kamusta ka na anak huh ano nangyari? " I heard lolo asking Daddy.

"Wala Dad it did not work she left us" he said to lolo.

Now we're at the dining area and eating my Lola's specialty foods.

"Feel at home Ijah." Lolo said while we are eating.

"So what's your plan Zoren? " lolo asked Dad again.

"Ahm start a new life. She'll be studying in Manila and I've contacted my old friend about the Company that I'm operating and ayun decided to work in Manila as well. " Dad as he explain what will our life be.

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