Broken Things Can Be Fixed.

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(Alex's pov)

I saw what no one else saw when I looked at Sonata that day. I saw the same thing in the twins and Mark when I chose them as well. I saw someone who was surviving. I knew she had been threw a lot and was holding on by a thread. I saw the clouding in her eyes. The cracking in her voice. How I could tell all this I had no idea, but when it comes to people, I'm never wrong. That's why I chose the others, they all had that look in there eyes when we met. The boys and I all have been threw some tough shit.

The twins weren't even treated like people for most of their lives, they were treated like dolls, their mom was a famous model. She shoved them into the industry as soon as they were born. She was obsessed with their success. The twins always refer to her as 'witch' because of how bad she treated them. She'd starve because she was afraid they'd get fat, and lock them in their room if they asked for food. They grew up isolated from everyone and everything other than a camera. They only had each other, which is why they were very harsh to everyone the met. They changed dramatically now. They're still pretty tart with anyone other than themselves and us but there not....closed minded that everyone it bad now. I was worried about those two the most when I took Nota in but they took quite the liking to her for some reason.

Mark's dad has hated him ever since he was ten. That's when he came out as gay. His dad cut him out of the will and severd all ties with him as of recently. Me and him live in a loft together now. I can tell he has a crush on me but I ignore it, I'd be lieing if I said I didn't feel something for him to but I haven't come out to Rue as bi yet so I'm a little nervous. I know he won't care, our bond is stronger than that, but I'm still afraid for some reason and dating is never a good idea for friend groups. If me and Mark break up after dating we might hate each other and the group would be at war. I should explain this 'no dating friends' rule to Rue because I can't tell he has feelings for Sonata. He won't admit it, but he likes her a lot I can tell. He's not really used to feelings like this. He's a total player. But even if he won't admit to himself I know he likes her. I always catch him staring at her. I want to see him in a real relationship though, he deserves happiness.

I was knocked out my thoughts when I saw Sonata jerked in her seat. Her expression filled with complete horror. She looked down at her thighs in disbelief. She looked so distressed. This is bad, she's upset, I need to fix it. I tap her on the shoulder and mouthed an, 'are you ok?' She gives a stiff nod before turning her attention back to the board. I studied her, her shoulders were tense, she kept twirling her bang between her fingers, she was biting down on her lip, and her eyes were watering. She's crying. I thought to myself panicking. Stay calm Alex, stay calm. Don't over react, I always over reacted when it came to friends crying. I wanted to bolt out of my seat and hug her, of course I can't do that, not here anyway. So I just anxiously tap my foot, watching her like a hawk. I see a tear trickle down her cheek and I desperately want to go to her and fix it. What was happening? Why did she look so frightened and then start tearing up?

She raises her hand and asked to go to the bathroom. Before the teacher can even finish saying yes she bolted out the door. My and the boys all looked at the door worried. I was getting antsy, I tapped my finger on the desk impatiently. She's not ok. What if she's really upset and she goes in there to cut or something? A lot of people cut. What if she accidentally cuts too deep and causes a really deep wound and bleeds out?!?! Ludicrous scenarios played in my head and I start to panic. A flash of my sister Lexi appeared in my head, blood puddled around her limp lifeless body, vomit pouring from her throat. I bite down so hard on my lip a watery substance drips down my chin and I the metallic taste of blood fill my mouth. I look back to see Rue staring at me in complete horror. I shrug. It was a subconscious habit I had. The twins and Mark have the same horrified expression at my out burst. They knew of my mental instability when it came to things like this, they knew about Lexi. They all were on edge ready for me to snap and bolt out the room. My eyes flickered to the clock, she had been gone 10 minutes that's a long time. Suddenly the class bell rang.

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