First day of school

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Thank you for checking out this story, for those of you who read my previous version of this story it's going to be a little bit different but I hope you enjoy it anyways. Please review.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or DC

After taking down a crook Robin swung up to the top of the roof to meet up with Nightwing. "Great job Robin, you're really improving on your sneak attack skills" Nightwing complimented

Robin smiled "Thanks, what do you say one more round around the city before we call it a night?"

"How about no, Robin I want you to head home now" Oracles voice came over the earpiece

Robin sighed "Ugh come on, just one more round. I'm on a role tonight" he pleaded

Nightwing smiled "He is kind of on a role tonight" he agreed

"Not helping Wing, its 3am and your first day of school in a few hours. Come home now" she spoke sternly

Robin looked up at his father for help but he just held his hands up in defeat "Fine" he said before turning to his dad "I guess I'm heading home"

Nightwing nodded "Yeah, you have to look good for your first day at Gotham Academy, if its anything like when I went there a lot of cute girls go there" he grinned at his son

Nathan shook his head "Didn't mom go there with you?" he rose an eyebrow

Nightwing smiled "Exactly" he pointed

Nathan shuddered "Eww gross"

Dick laughed "Well if it helps at all at least you won't be starting a new school alone, Melanie and Mark will be there tomorrow too, keep in mind"

Nathan nodded in agreement "That's true, guess I better be going before mom gets even more mad, you coming?" the former protégé's son asked

Nightwing shook his head "No, I think I'll take up your suggestion and do another lap around"

Nathan nodded "Alright well I guess I'll see you when I get up for school" he told his father before grappling off.

Nathan stood next to the fountain inside the 8th grade commons area of Gotham Academy. He looked around as kids in his grade walked around in uniforms matching his. He glanced to his left to see his two best friends making their way into the courtyard. Nathan rose his arm up and waved gaining their attention they walked toward him.

"Hey what's happening dude" Mark said sending him a high five

Nathan grinned "Nothing much"

It was at this time that he looked over at Melanie and looked at what she was wearing

She drew her arm back and punched him in the shoulder

"Ow! What was that for?" Nathan groaned rubbing his shoulder

"You were going to laugh at me" she said crossing his arms

Nathan shook his head "I didn't laugh at you"

Melanie glared at him "But you were going to"

Nathan nodded in defeat and smiled "Yeah your right I was, but come on look at what you're wearing" he said gesturing down to her female version of the school uniform

Mark nodded in agreement "Don't feel bad, dude I laughed too" he said pulling his sleeve up to reveal a purple bruise

Melanie rolled her eyes "It's not funny, whoever made these uniforms needs to go to jail. It's completely impractical" she grumbled pulling down on the skirt

Both boys laughed but stopped and held their hands up in defense when they saw Melanie draw back a fist

Nathan quickly jumped to her side and threw an arm around her, "Mel I agree with you they are totally impractical, it's just weird for us to see you in a skirt is all. Now let's bring down the fist" he said slowly pressing on her arm, she let it down without a fight "There ya go" he moved his arm away from her shoulder and took a step back "And let's talk a little before that dreaded bell rings and we have 9 months of 5 day a week prison"

Mark nodded "Alright, I got 5 hours of sleep last night what about you sis?"

Melanie smiled "I got 5 and a half, What about you Nate?"

A wide smile spread on Nathans face "I got 4"

Mark shook his head "I envy you, your dad lets you patrol so much later then our parents"

Melanie smiled "Okay now how many bad guys, dad and I got 15"

Mark shrugged "It was a slow night, mom and I got 10"

The twins both looked toward Nathan for his answer "We got 25" he stated smiling proudly

They rolled their eyes "We need to all train together one day" Melanie suggested

Nathan nodded "I know, I suggest it to my parents all the time but they always say no"

The kids began to walk toward the inside of the school knowing that the bell was about to ring

"Ours too, I wonder why they are so against us kids working together" Melanie said with Mark nodding next to her in agreement

They walked a little further into the building "Hey isn't there a Justice League meeting tonight that they will all be at?" Nathan whispered

The twins thought and then nodded

"Come to my house then, we can go to my dad's cave and train together. They'll never know" Nathan said just as the bell rang

The twins nodded "Okay well be there" Mark said

Melanie smiled "Sounds great to me, see you later boys!" she waved the three of them heading in separate directions to their classes

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