The new team

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The school bell rang and all the children of Gotham academy bolted for the doors. Except for Nathan, Melanie and Mark who were slowly making their way to the exit

"Ugh for once I wasn't ready for school to get out" Mark groaned

Melanie nodded "Me too, this dance class is going to be so boring" they both shot death glares at Nathan

"Guys I've been dreading this too. But look on the bright side at least you'll know how to ball room dance for galas"

Mark rose an eyebrow at him "When do we ever go to Galas?"

Nathan bit his lip nervously "Two weeks from now"

Melanie shot her head toward him "What do you mean?"

They pushed the doors to the school open and walked outside

Nathan shrugged "I figured your parents told you since they'll be there too, my grandpa is donating a lot of money to Gotham Children's hospital. So the more youth that are there the better it will look." He explained

Mark nodded then grinned "So since your part of the Wayne family that means they'll have to introduce you to the party right?"

Nathan nodded "Yeah, but I've done that before"

Mark shrugged "I thought you were supposed to be 'accompanied by a date' " Mark said in his best British accent

Nathan rolled his eyes "Not necessarily, I'm only 13."

Melanie nodded "You get so shy and dorky around girls, you'd probably be in trouble if you had to have a date"

They stood on the corner and waited to be picked up. Nathan rolled his eyes "Gee thanks" he grumbled sarcastically

Mark laughed "Dude I don't understand why you have such a hard time. I have no problem talking to girl" he said proudly

Nathan narrowed his eyes "Well let's see, I'm short, lanky, I wear glasses and I'm on the decathlon team. I'm not exactly a 13 year old girls dream"

Melanie tilted her head "You don't have a problem talking to me" she pointed out

Nathan shrugged "Well your, you"

She narrowed her eyes confused "What does that mean?"

Nathan thought for a moment as to how to put it "I don't see you as a girl your just...Melanie" he said simply

Melanie rolled her eyes "Gee thanks" she sarcastically replied

A Rolls-Royce pulled up in front of them Nathan opened the back door allowing his friends to climb in then went to the passenger side and got in "Hey Gramppy" Nathan grinned looking toward the driver's side Bruce glared at him, Nathen gave a nervous laugh "I mean grandpa Bruce, how was your day?"

Bruce's face lightened up "It was good, your mothers dropped of clothes for all 3 of you to change into" he said pointing into the back. Nathan glanced back where his friends were seated and saw his tux along with another one that must have been Marks and a long navy blue dress that was obviously Melanie's hanging up against the windows.

They drove in silence for a few moments before Mark spoke up "Hey Nate I never asked, if you wear glasses. How do you see as Robin?"

Nathan looked at his grandfather and smiled "Grandpa Bruce put my prescription inside my mask" he explained

Mark nodded

"So Mr. Wayne you're taking us to the dance class?" Melanie asked leaning forward

Bruce nodded "Yes everyone else was busy so I was asked to bring you guys, Wally is picking you all up afterwards to take you to the cave afterwards." This was news to the three, they hadn't heard anything about when they would return to the cave "Yeah I was supposed to tell you that too, your father is ready to present the team so you'll be meeting some new people" Bruce explained looking toward Nathan

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