Taking on the Joker

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A few hours later the team stood in the mission room as Red hood passed back and forth "I would expect that most of you younglings know who I am, but in case you don't I am Red Hood. Otherwise known as the most common sensed Anti Hero out there" Jason said

He chuckled and walked forward toward Robin grabbing his chin "This little chiseled faced stud here is my nephew" he said shaking the boy's face.

He looked over at Batgirl who was standing next to Zarro and Martian Jr.

"And this is my Niece" he said resting a hand on Leah's shoulder. He narrowed his eyes at Leo and Zarro placing his hand on the gun on his belt. Zarro and Leo looked at each other slightly panicked

"Anyways, I suggested I take you all to the shooting range but that was quickly thrown out by Daddybats, instead Nightwing said he thinks you all should practice undercover work. This is Dr. Jeremy Doval he's a millionaire and one of the nation's best-known plastic surgeons. He's been suspected of doing illegal injections and illegal surgeries on his patients. He's holding a daytime outdoor gala today. I took the liberty of giving you guys code names and descriptions. Red Robin hacked into the guest list and put you on it. All I want is for you guys to confirm whether he is truly doing these illegal treatments then get back to me. Because I know if I don't get you back in one piece your parents will kill me." He said handing a slip of paper to each team member so they could see who they were going undercover as.

" It won't be believable for 12-year-olds to be at the party so you 3 are staying behind with me and training" Jason said pointing at Batgirl, Zarro and Martian Jr.

"I'm a security guard, names Lark?" John asked raising an eyebrow seeing the obvious rhyming to his father's name

"Yeah I figured it suited you" Jason grinned

"William, older brother to Sasha" Mark read he looked up to see who was Sasha

"Sasha younger sister to William" she looked adult at Red Hood

"Cool I'm older then you!" Bullseye cheered

"Umm no offense, but how am I going to pass as his sister?" She asked confused

Red hood Shrugged "Your adopted duh!"

Melanie giggled and began reading her paper " Grace, Vietnamese heiress to a billion dollar oil company"

She smiled and looked up "Cool, but I'm only 1/4 Vietnamese. Do you think people will believe that?" She asked

Red hood nodded "Since it's an outdoor party you all will be wearing sunglasses the entire time so nobody will see your eyes. And as for your hair Rapunzel, well people will just assume you dye it" he explained

Next was Robins turn and he was eager to read it "My name is Damon?" He stopped talking and looked up at his uncle "Is that because your favorite show of all time is-"

He quit talking when Red Hood pointed a finger at him "How about you finish reading your role, because if you finish that sentence I will shoot you and I don't care what your parents do to me!" He mockingly threatened

Nathan nodded and looked back down at the paper

"Adoring lackey to the Vietnamese Heiress Grace." He groaned and looked up at his uncle "Seriously?"

Red hood chuckled "Of course me whittle nephew." He teased Nathan as he pinched his cheek, Robin quickly swatted his hand away.

"Come on team, let's get going " Superboy waved them toward the rack where their undercover attire was being held.

After 30 minutes, they were all ready to go. "Alright you all remember your roles, blah blah blah. Don't die cause your parents will kill me and I don't want to be dead again. Blah blah blah. Have fun and if it come down to it kill someone if you have to" he chuckled the team all rolled their eyes from behind their expensive sunglasses made so they'd fit in with all the other party goers. They went to the Zeta tube that would take them straight to Miami and a block from the Gala.

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