Hero talk

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Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or DC

Robin was surrounded by 15 of Jokers goons all at once. He was alone with no sign of assistance coming his way. He let out a cackle then jumped into the air doing a roundabout kick knocking out 5 of the goons. He moved on and did a back flip hitting 2 goons then spread his arms out hitting 2 more at the same times. After that he served a round of kicks and punches till he had all the goons knocked out. He crossed his arms in victory just then the doors opened and the Joker headed toward him. Nathan did a flip landing with ease ready to take him on when....

"Grayson, earth to Grayson!" He shot his head over to see Melanie sitting next to him waving a hand in his face. "Daydreaming on the first day?" She grinned raising an eyebrow

Nathan laughed, they were happy to find out that the two of them had gotten their 3rd hour science class together and made sure to get seats next to each other as soon as they got to the classroom "What did I miss?" He whispered trying to focus in on the teacher

Melanie smiled " Well you missed attendance, she was going to mark you absent until I being the amazing friend I am spoke up and told her you were here" she said

Nathan grinned at her "Thanks"

They listened in on their teacher but she was just going over lab procedures and safety so they quickly lost interest

Melanie leaned over and whispered "So what were you daydreaming about that had you in such a trance? It was me right?" She teased.

Unlike his father Nathan was a little shy when it came to girls so being that Melanie had known him since the day she was born she had fun in teasing him.

"Gag No!" He quickly said "I was thinking about Robin in an awesome fighting scenario" he grinned Melanie smiled and rolled her eyes

"Hey you like Robin too?" a voice said, they turned to a kid behind them who must have overheard their conversation

Nathan nodded

"Me too! He's awesome. My dad says the one from when he was a kid is better but I disagree the one we have now is the best!" their fellow classmate said with excitement

A wide grin spread on Nathan's face "I totally agree"

Melanie shook her head "Personally my favorite is the 4th Robin, this one seems too hot headed"

Nathan glared at her "That's okay I think Kid Flash was probably better then Bullet" he secretly teased back

"Hey no that's not true, Bullet is awesome!" The boy sitting next to the kid who had spoken up previously said

"I agree with you" Melanie told him sending a defeated smile to Nathen

A pair of girls at the table next to theirs looked over at them seeming to want to join in on the conversation "If we are talking about our favorite heroes I think Bullseye is a total cutie" one of them said

Nathan and Melanie shuddered in disgust but remained quiet

The 2nd girl was quick to jump in "No you got it all wrong Nightwing is the best looking superhero, he's a total dreamboat" she sighed

Melanie and Nathan both looked at each other disgusted

They were cut off from their discussion when their teacher noticed that they were not paying attention "In the back you all better stop talking before you're on my bad side for the rest of the year!" she scolded causing the 6 kids to turn their attention back to her.

After a few minutes Nathan leaned close to Melanie again "So are you guys coming to my house after school?"

Melanie nodded "Yeah I'll text my parents that we'll be there and we will just hang out till they all leave. Then operation train together behind our parent's backs is a go!" She grinned

The 3 friends walked through the front doors of Grayson Manor after school, when they couldn't find anyone in the house they went downstairs to the secret Nightcave. There they found Barbara hard at work on her computer

"Hey mom" Nathan said grabbing her attention

She turned and smiled "Hey guys!" How was the first day of school? "She asked

Mark shrugged "To tell you the truth Aunt B it was school, not much to say but at least I have 5th hour with Nathan and 2nd with my sister. That should make it a little more bareable"

Barbara rolled her eyes "Yeah and we all have 6th hour together, I guess I can see myself getting used to Gotham Academy" Nathan said shrugging off his uniform blazer

Melanie nodded "Yeah as long as I can change out of this uniform as soon as possible I can make it at that school" she said tugging on the skirt

Barbara laughed "Come on I think I have a pair of sweat pants that will fit you" she waved upstairs with Melanie followed after her.

Once they were gone Mark turned to his best friend "So we're still on for tonight right?" he asked

Nathan nodded "Of course, I got to find some way to show the two of you who the better crime fighter is" he grinned

Mark shook his head "Please, are you sure you want to make that bet?"

"What bet?" They heard a girly voice say they turned to see Leah standing at the head of the staircase

"Leah what are you doing down here?" Nathan narrowed his eyes at his little sister

Leah laughed and walked down the stairs "I just got home from school, I could ask you two the same thing" she said

"We came to talk to mom" Nathan told her

Leah looked around the cave "Moms not here" she said in a cocky tone

Nathan nodded "I'm aware of that, she went to loan Mel some pants"

Leah nodded "So boys, answer my question what bet are you talking about?"

The two boys looked at each other for an excuse, although Leah knew her parents and brother were crime fighters she wasn't one. And she would definitely tell on them for going behind their parents backs

"Melanie and I are hanging here while everyone is at the Justice League meeting tonight, so Nate and I are going to play video games" Mark lied

Leah stared at him for a moment before nodding accepting his answer "Oh, well don't be noisy it's only the 2nd day of school tomorrow and I need a good night's rest" she said turning and beginning to walk back up the stairs

"Yeah because the 5th grade is so hard" Nathan said sarcastically

Leah glared at him then continued up the stairs without speaking to him

After their parents left the 3 waited around for another hour until Leah went to sleep, before they snuck down into the cave.

3 hours later the trio lay back on the cave floor out of breath. "That was fun" Mark panted

Melanie nodded "Yeah it was" she said her breath beginning to steady

Nathan pushed himself up "Definitely a great workout" he said wiping sweat from his forehead as he walked over to the computer and began typing

"What are you doing?" Mark asked pushing himself up and walking toward the computer

"Pulling up the cave cameras" he said simply

"Why are you doing that?" Mark asked watching him

"I'm going to replace the past 3 hours with some footage that I cut from last month. That way there's no chance of them seeing it and finding out what we were doing down here" Nathan explained as he continued to work

Melanie stood and made her way toward the boys "That's a good idea" she complimented

Nathan nodded and looked at his watch "And if my timing is correct, we now have just enough time to get upstairs, sit on the couch and put something on T.V. so it looks like that's what we were doing all night" he told them as he shut down all evidence that he had been tampering with the cameras

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