Mission of our own

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The three looked down into the sunlight window on the roof of the Gotham Bank, they could see the robbers walking around, 3 of them with guns. They paced the floor with hostages ducked onto the ground remaining still with fear.

"Okay so here's the plan, there's another sun window over there" he said pointing to the other end of the roof "The room it's over is just a storage room so there shouldn't be anyone over there. I'll go in this one and distract t them. You two go to the other one, you'll sneak up behind. I want Bullet to whip around them so that they are taken of guard. And Bullseye you're going to fire off your arrows and pin as many of them down as you can. From there I'll pick up and do the same. Does that sound good?" He asked the twins both nodded affirmatively Robin nodded "Okay good, let's go" he said clapping his hands together

The twins moved to the other window and Robin burst through the window landing with ease.

The crooks turned and looked at him "Well if it isn't the baby bird! When's the rest of the Batfamily joining us?" The biggest one who Nathan suspected was the leader said with a crooked toothed grin

"Not coming they figured you'd be easy enough for me to take on by myself" Robin said with a cocky grin

The crook rose an eyebrow "Is that so? Boys get em!" He snapped

The other 2 crooks began firing at Robin who avoided the bullets through a series of multiple flips and twists.

The bullets stopped though when they became distracted by a whirlwind wiping around them. One of the crooks guns suddenly taken from his hands

"What the?" He said dumbfounded

"Looking for this?" Bullet stopped for a second standing next to Robin

"Say Robin do you think he needs this?" She asked sarcastically, as the two began moving around to avoid the fire that had started again from the other two crooks.

Robing shook his head "Nah"

Bullet smiled "Me neither" she grinned emptying the bullets and tossing the gun to the ground

It was while the robbers were distracted by them, that Bullseye took the opportunity to sneak up behind the unsuspecting criminals firing an arrow and pinning one of them to the wall by his shirt sleeve.

Robin quickly jumped to the crook and handcuffed him while Bullet and Bullseye began to use the same motive on the other crook.

When Robin saw that they had him covered her decided to take on the head crook by himself.

"You know all you Robins are the same, does the Bats go somewhere to pick you guys out? Please tell him to tell me where I'd like to have one of my own he could come in handy" the man teased as Robin threw baterangs at him

"Sorry no can do, that is a family secret" Robin mocked back

He continued to fight back, when he was finally able to knock the gun out of the man's hands pinning him down and handcuffing him was easy

After handcuffing him Nathan tried to rush over to Bullet and Bullseye but found a shooting pain in his ankle. He looked down to see a medium sized bloody pool, since there was no puncture wound he figured a bullet must have grazed him at one point.

He limped over to his friends who were handcuffing their captured crook. They looked over to him and gasped when they saw his injury.

"Rob you okay?" Bullseye asked concerned

Robin nodded "Yeah I'm fine nothing a good bandage won't heal." He said with a weak smile

Bullet shook her head "We're busted now, even if we go somewhere and patch you up there is still a chance of them figuring out we were there"

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