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It was mid- December, Dick and Barbara Grayson were currently hard at work finishing case work for Nightwing and Oracle before a Justice League meeting later that night

"Babs come look at this" Nightwing said as he sat at the computer of the Nightcave

Barbara furrowed her eyebrows and stepped forward.

"Look at this" he said showing her a clip from their caves cameras

As she watched it she tilted her head to this side "Is that Mark and Nathan sparing, with Melanie standing on the sidelines"

Dick nodded "Yeah, the time is from when we were at the Justice League meeting last week" he told her as he continued typing into the computer "Based on their body language something tells me this isn't the first time they've done this" he said showing her an archive footage from when they would have been at an August Justice League meeting. "Now see this, see that fly right there buzzing around" he said pointing at the screen Barbara nodded "Now look at this" he said as he clicked and went back to footage from July sure enough the fly was there repeating the same action.

"You don't think" she began

Dick nodded "I trained him, I know what he did he replaced the footage so we wouldn't know they trained together, but since we unexpectedly came home early last week our little detective didn't have time to replace the footage" he said standing up

Barbara turned to look at him "Where are you going?" She asked

"I sent the footage to Wally, we can't have them training together" he told her

Barbara shook her head "Dick we can't shelter them forever"

Dick brought the phone to his ear "They can't know Barb, we almost lost Wally and we had so many near misses when the team was active."

He walked away and began talking to Wally when he answered the phone

Later that day...

Nathan flopped down in his bed, he had just gotten home from school and it was finally winter break, 2 weeks where all he had to do was focus on patrolling at night training during the day.

His bedroom door swung open to reveal his father "Suit up" he instructed

Nathan sat up in his bed "Are we going on patrol already?" He asked glancing at the time

Dick shook his head "No, were going to the hall of Justice" he told him

That caused him to immediately jump up "No way really" he ran toward his dad

Dick nodded "Yes Melanie and Mark will be there too" he explained as he began walking down the hallway, Nathan followed close behind

"So we're finally getting to see the Hall!" He said in almost a squeal

Dick tilted his head "Kind of, you'll see when you get there, just suit up and be ready in 15 minutes" he ordered

Nathan smiled and slid down the banister quickly making his way to the Nightcave where his suit was kept.

30 minutes later....

Robin could hardly contain his excitement as he walked beside Nightwing and Oracle

They met up with Artemis, Flash, and Bullet and Bullseye halfway up the walkway.

"I'm so overwhelmed right now!" Bullet grinned as the three friends walked beside each other

"Me too, if there was a word for being more then overwhelmed I would be it" Robin said with a smile

Bullseye tilted his head to the side "But guys don't you find it a little odd that they all of a sudden said they wanted us to come to the headquarters? Bullet and I have been in this for 2 years and Rob you've been in it for 3, why would they all of a sudden bring us here now?" He questioned

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