Telepathic training

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I'm not the best at writing fight scenes, I really hope that you enjoy this chapter. Please comment

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or DC

The team was in the middle of Gotham

Their mission? Capture Black Mask and return him to the GCPD before he can launch his bomb that would destroy most of the tri state area.

"Beena and Superboy to Robin and Martian Jr. anything?" Superboy mentally communicated

"Nada, what about you Bullet, Bullseye and Zarro?" Robin asked mentally as him and Martian Jr scanned the streets

"Nothing" Bullseye responded

"Hold up I have movement on the north side, team move in we take him on together "Superboy cut in

The team members swiftly moved across the city reconnecting when they met up with Beena and Superboy on the north side of Gotham

"Right in front of the GCPD perfect" Robin grinned as they watched Black Mask along with 6 men

"For a more successful attack I think we should split into two groups. Martian Jr., Beena and I will take on Black mask. Robin, Bullet, Bullseye and Zarro you work to bring down his men. We'll meet back up and find the bomb to disable it." Superboy stated

"Can't I just do a spell on all of them?" Zarro asked

Superboy shook his head "Not from up here it'll draw attention wait till we are down there" he pointed "Alright move now"

They jumped down and as planned took on their assignments.

Each one of them walked a handcuffed man toward the GCPD. While Superboy had Black mask.

"Great job you guys, we'll take it from here" Jim Gordon congratulated as they walked into the station

"Only 6 men? I took you as someone to be more prepared" Robin mocked

Black mask let out a deep chuckle "Oh little Robin you know all too well."

As if on cue 3 men jumped down taking the team by surprise and covering Black mask and the arrested men with masks

"What the..." Martian jr spoke confused

That's when a gas filled the room.

Quickly Bullet, Bullseye, Robin and Superboy grabbed their masks and covered their faces. Unfortunately, though Beena, Zarro and Martian jr weren't as quick the gas caused them to pass out along with the rest of the GCPD, and the 3 men who had jumped down.

Bullet examined the knocked-out team members "It's just knock out gas, they should wake up in a little bit" she said before she super sped them to a safer spot.

When she arrived back Superboy nodded "Bullseye and I will get them to the holding cell, Robin and Bullet you make sure nobody else gets in" Superboy telepathically spoke

Him and Bullseye went off with the captured bad guys while Bullet and Robin stood on guard

"There's more coming" Robin said spotting 8 men approaching the glass door to the GCPD

Bullet nodded and took a stance

"There's a control panel behind the front desk, one of the switches should activate the emergency escape doors. They're meant to keep crooks in during a break out. But I bet they can work just as good keeping them out"

Bullet nodded agreeing with him

"I'll keep them pushed back at the entryway you find the switch" he told her

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