Not him

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Nathan thanked the lunch lady and turned carrying his tray out of the cafeteria and heading to the outdoor seating area where he usually ate lunch with his friends.

As he approached their usual spot he saw only Mark at the table

"Hey Nate. Where's Mel?" He asked as Nathan slid into the seat across from him

Nathan shrugged "Last time I saw her was in gym" he said

They started eating but after a few minutes of her not joining they got curious

"Where could she be?" Nathan said looking around

Mark saw April walking by and quickly waved her down "Hey have you seen Melanie?" He asked

She smiled at the boys "She's with Greg"

Nathan and Mark looked at each other "Greg?" They said in unison then looked back at the girl

She nodded "Yeah you know Greg Turnbin he's her biology partner. They're over there" she said pointing to the far end of the field.

The boys looked and saw Melanie sitting under a tree with a red headed boy

"What's she doing talking to him?" Nathan asked looking back at April

April shrugged "I don't know, she's lucky though. He's cute. Listen I gotta go lunch is going to be over and I haven't even started eating yet" she said walking away

Nathan and Mark stared at Melanie trying to figure out what was happening

"Come on" Nathan waved

"Where are we going?" Mark asked following after him

"We're going to spy on her" he said simply

Mark nodded "Good idea"

They put their vigilant skills to work and remained silent as they crept up on the backside of a tree nearby the one that Melanie and Greg were at, Nathan quickly jumped up onto a high branch and began climbing

"You coming?" He asked raising an eyebrow and looking down at Mark who was still on the ground

"The first branch is like 9 feet off the ground" he pointed

Nathan rolled his eyes "Don't be a baby"

Mark glared up at him "Sorry my parents aren't a gymnast and an acrobat"

Nathan let out a cackle he hooked his legs onto a branch and hung upside down reaching his hands out toward his friend "Grab on" he sighed

Mark grabbed onto his hands and Nathan swung back up pulling Mark onto the branch with him. They slowly crept up the tree so that they could spy on Melanie. Once they were at a good view the listened in

"So how do you think you did on that test?" Melanie asked

Greg shrugged "I think I did good, but can we talk about something other than class? That's not exactly why I asked you to eat lunch with me"

She looked at him "Why did you want to eat lunch?" She asked

He grinned and threw an arm around her shoulder "Well homecoming is in 2 weeks and I was wondering if you'd be interested in going with me?" He asked

Melanie brought her finger to her lip and giggled "Well I'll have to check my calendar I'm a very busy girl" she teased

"I'll have to check my calendar" Nathan mimicked in a mocking tone "What's that about?" He groaned he looked over at Mark who had his phone out "What are you doing?" He asked

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