Protective Robin

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"Great, you guys are here! We can head into the training and meet our new member" Superboy said standing up from the couch along with the rest of the team members.

"Although based on the way they're smiling at him I'd say that the dynamic trio already knows" Beena said grinning at the way Bullet, Bullseye and Robin glanced at each other

"Why we have no idea what you mean" Bullseye said with a grin

The 7 team members followed each other into the room to find Nightwing, Oracle, Flash and Zatanna

"Okay I'm glad to see that everyone is finally here. Some of you already know why we are here but I'll go ahead and say it again. We are adding a new member to the team today" he smiled and looked around making sure everyone was paying attention "So getting right to it, I'd like to introduce you all to the new Batgirl"

Oracle stepped aside revealing the new team member behind her. Leah took a step closer to her team and waved "Hey guys!" she grinned

"Hi Batgirl, I'm Superboy" he waved

Batgirl nodded she looked around the room at the other team members "I already know you three" she smiled pointing at Bullet, Bullseye and Robin who grinned at her

"Hey there girl, I'm Beena if you want you can call me Beebee" she said extending a hand to the girl who shook it

"Nice to meet you too" Leah smiled

"I'm so happy to have another girl on the team. Someone's got to even out the crowd huh Bullet?" Beena said looking toward Melanie

"You know it" Bullet smiled fist bumping Beena

After a little bit, the Justice League members excused themselves and left the cave leaving just the young team members to get to know their new member

Meanwhile in the back Zarro and Martian Jr. stood next to each other "Hey, our new member is a girl" Zarro said

Martian Jr nodded "And she looks around our age too" he grinned stepping forward ahead of his friend

"Hi, I'm Martian Jr." he said extending a hand

Leah smiled and shook it

"So are you..." Leo began to say before Zarro stepped in

"I'm Zarro" he grinned shaking her hand

"emoclew drac reppa" he mumbled under his breath then from his pocket her pulled out a card and handed it to her

Leah smiled when she read the words 'Welcome' written across the card "Cool!" she exclaimed

Watching the scene unfold Bullet nudged Robin who was distracted by his own conversation with Bullseye

Robin looked toward Melanie to see what she wanted and she simply pointed toward Batgirl, Martian Jr. and Zarro

The smile dropped from Nathans face "Oh heck no." he said seeing the situation

Bullseye looked at him "What?" he asked raising an eyebrow

Robin pointed to the group of 3 11 and 12-year old's

"Oh, that is not okay" Mark said shaking his head

Robin nodded

"You two are being ridiculous they're just talking, I hang out with you two" she pointed out

Mark shook his head "I'm your brother"

Robin nodded "Yeah and I'm.... well I'm different" he said not knowing what to say

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