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Melanie was running as fast as she could on the specially made treadmill in her Uncle Barry's lab as her father and uncle stood on the other side of the glass.

"Look at these stats Wally" Barry said pointing to the computer screen that demonstrated a pattern of Melanie's running and heartbeat.

"Wow she's fast" Wally crossed his arms and smiled

Barry nodded "She's really fast, she's actually faster than you were at her age. Heck she's even faster than Bart was at her age" he grinned looking at the screen.

Wally smiled at the computer suddenly though Melanie's stats stopped, they looked through the window to see her coming toward them

"Dad where's mom and Mark?" She asked

Wally scrunched up his eyebrows "On patrol why?" Wally asked

"Because I feel like something isn't right" she told him

just then Barry's communicator went off. He held up a finger signaling for Melanie to wait a minute

"Hey babe what's up?" Wally asked as Artemis spoke, his face went from joy to a look of worry

Nathan grinned as he stood on top of the platform, he watched as his dad swung on the bar. When his cue came he jumped and freefell before grabbing onto his father's hands at the exact right moment.

Dick threw him up and Nathan did a flip grabbing onto another bar. The crowd went wild as Dick and Nathan both released the bars they were swinging from did flips in the air and switched bars.

A few flips, twist and bends that looked nearly impossible later and they were finished with their show for the night.

Nathan flopped down in their trailer couch, taking a long sip of water. He watched Dick grab his communicator as soon as it went off

"Is he okay?" He heard his father say catching his attention

"Okay I'll tell him, please keep me updated" Dick said hanging up and looking at his son

"What happened?" Nathan asked quickly standing up

"Bullseye was injured badly on patrol tonight" he told him

Nathan look worried "Is he okay?"

Dick sighed "Right now he's passed out and they're patching him up. Go see him your mom and I will take care of patrol tonight. He's at the Arrow bunker" he said resting a hand on his shoulder

Nathan nodded "thanks" he took off leaving the trailer and heading to the nearest Zeta tube.

Nathan rushed through the doors of Team Arrows hideout.

The first person he saw was Melanie, it was the first time either of them had seen each other in almost 2 months, once he saw her he was happy that tonight was the last performance of the summer.

"Nate" she sighed immediately wrapping him in a hug

"Hey, I came as soon as I heard, how is he?" Nathan asked

She sighed "My parents and Uncle Ollie are in the room with him now, he just woke up. He's going to be a little slow for a while. But he's going to be okay"

Nathan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled

Melanie looked him over for the first time since he arrived "What are you wearing?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

He had on a tight tank top style one-piece jumper suit that reached just above his knees. With a pattern of rainbow colored triangles scattered all around it and a black background

Nathan stepped back and chuckled "it's my acrobatic costume. They said it was very similar to the one my grandparents wore before my dad was born. What do you think?" He grinned doing a turn around

She shook her head "You look ridiculous" she laughed

Nathan nodded "You should see my dad, honestly I think that's why he stayed behind to go on patrol" he grinned

Wally stepped out of the room and walked toward them "Hey Nate your dad told me you were on your way, you can go ahead and see him if you'd like" he waved toward the door. Nathan and Melanie opened the door to the medical room. Mark lay in the bed he flashed them a weak smile when they walked in and waved "Hey guys" he said softly

Artemis smiled "We'll leave you three alone" she said resting a hand on her son's shoulder. Her and Oliver exited the room

"So, let's see the damage" Nathan grinned approaching the bed

Mark gently pulled back the blanket to reveal a bloody bandage on his right hip that wrapped arounf his entire waist and a stitch wound across his arm his knee was also bandaged up and swollen. His head was wrapped where he had received stitches to the back of it after it being cracked open.

"Dude, I didn't think we were taking our scars competition so seriously" Nathan joked

Mark smiled at him and let out a light chuckle

"Has anyone told you that you look ridiculous in that get up?" Mark said in a raspy voice

Nathan laughed "Yeah I've been told that"

The next day Melanie and Nathan were hanging out at Wayne manor when Barbara called them into the Batcave

They shrugged and followed her down there to find Bruce along with Dick

"We added a new member to our team. She's been training with your mom, uncles and grandfather while we were traveling with the circus and she's almost ready for her debut." Dick grinned

"She?" Nathan and Melanie said in unison

Bruce nodded "Yes she"

"So, you guys took uncle Tim's advice and got me a Batgirl!" Nathan said excitedly like a child about to receive a puppy as he remembered the conversation a few months back with his uncles

"Got him a Batgirl?" Barbara asked confused looking toward Dick

Dick laughed "Don't ask it was a weird conversation" he explained avoiding the question

"Does this mean we get to have another girl on the team, maybe someone my age?" Melanie asked hopeful

Dick nodded "A new team member yes, your age not really"

Nathan and Melanie exchanged confused glances

"Robin and Bullet I'd like to introduce to you the new Batgirl" Dick waved

Out of the shadows stepped out a young red headed girl shorter than either of them dressed in a purple female style Batman suit

Nathan stepped forward and gently pulled back the new team members cowl revealing her face.

"Leah?" Nathan said stepping back

Leah nodded and smiled widely "What can I say, it's in my blood" she said proudly

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