Part 20

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Angela Shepard posted a status: Ugh. Debbie visited this morning. :P

Evie Matthias and Sylvia Davis like this.

Evie Matthias: Ugh, tell me about it. I hate that Debbie bitch.

Angela Shepard likes this.

Sylvia Davis: Who doesn't? Why can't she just not exist?

17 people like this.

Angela Shepard: IKR? Debbie's such a pain in the butt.

Evie Matthias: You can say that again.

Sylvia Davis likes this.

Angela Shepard: I mean, come on. I think our lives would be better off without that bitch!

Sylvia Davis: She limits EVERYTHING I can do. Nobody understands but us!

Evie Matthias: I know, Sylvia. Debbie pisses me off so much that I practically go crazy on Steve once in a while.

25 people like this.

Angela Shepard: Tim and Curly don't understand either. They're pains themselves to deal with when I already have Debbie over. :P

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Sylvia Davis: And Dal don't give a hang either. Once he was so drunk he wanted to go at it, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I mean, I ain't doing that with Debbie visiting!

Angela Shepard and Evie Matthias like this.

Angela Shepard: I hate boys. They don't understand anything.

All girls like this.

Evie Matthias: I know! We have to deal with that fuckin' Debbie once in a while and they don't!

Sylvia Davis: Whenever Debbie decides to visit, I always hate my life. She can't fucking leave until she decides to! WTF?

56 people like this.

Angela Shepard: I know! She fuckin' visits us, so we should tell her to fuckin' leave, not her. It ain't an open house.

64 people like this.

Evie Matthias: Those stupid Socy girls probably don't have to deal with Debbie as much as we do.

Sylvia Davis and Angela Shepard likes this.

Cherry Valance: Pardon me, but us "Socy girls" deal with Debbie as much as you do. Thank you very much.

Angela Shepard: Oh, you're welcome dear. Do excuse yourself and get the hell off my post.

All greaser girls like this.

Cherry Valance: Someone's grumpy today.

Angela Shepard: I don't need to deal with your nonsense crap, Sherri.

Cherry Valance: Oh, you really had a bowl of bitch flakes this morning, huh Angela?

All Soc girls like this.

Angela Shepard: I probably did, Cherry. I would say so yourself but you're always a bitch no matter what you have for breakfast.

All greaser girls like this.

Cherry Valance: Oh, so I see Debbie's stabbing you right in the greasy ass, huh Angela?

All Soc girls like this.

Angela Shepard: Why don't you mind your own business?

All greaser girls like this.

Cherry Valance is now off this post.

Angela Shepard: Scared her away, huh? Good job Angela.

All greaser girls like this.

Ponyboy Curtis: Hi Angela. :)

Steve Randle: Oh God.

All greaser boys like this.

Evie Matthias: Oh Steve, leave him alone.

Ponyboy Curtis likes this.

Steve Randle: What! I wasn't doing anything.

Evie Matthias: Steve . . .

Ponyboy Curtis: Yeah Steve . . .

Steve Randle: Fine Pony, I'll go. Don't wanna interrupt you making moves on Angela. ;)

Ponyboy Curtis: Stop! I wasn't going to!

Steve Randle: Sure you weren't. ;)

Evie Matthias: Steve! Stop it right now.

Steve Randle: Ugh, fine.

Steve Randle is now offline.

Angela Shepard: Damn itttt. Debbie is seriously blowing my fumes up. :P

Sylvia Davis and Evie Matthias likes this.

Sylvia Davis: You get used to her after she first shows up.

Angela Shepard: Yeah I know. Just fuckin' hate her right now, that piece of crap Debbie . . .

73 people like this.

Ponyboy Curtis: Hey Angela?

Angela Shepard: Ugh. Yes Ponyboy?

Ponyboy Curtis: Who's Debbie?

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