Chapter 4

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Rocky Pov

I got out of bed this morning and walked down stairs to see that my siblings left a note. It said something about going to the mall or something, but that means me and Brooke have the whole day together.

I walked back to my room and over to my bed. "Brooke" I said while softly shaking her. She opened her eyes and reached out her hands. I chuckled slightly and picked her up. I placed her around my waist and hugged her.

"Hi Rocky" She smiled. "Guess what Brooke?" I asked and she lit up. "What?" She asked excitedly. "Me and you have the house to ourselves all day" I said and she smiled even wider. "Yay!" She exclaimed. "What are we gonna do today?" She asked as I carried her downstairs. "Well right now how about I make us some pancakes and you watch a movie" I suggested and placed her on the couch. "Ok Rocky" She smiled.

I made my way towards the kitchen and made four pancakes. Two for each of us. Once they were all cooked and I got two plates and placed the pancakes on them. "Here you go baby" I said handing her a plate. "Thanks babe" She smiled and began eating. 

We were now done eating and I could tell the something was off with her. "Rocky?" She said avoiding eye contact with me. "Yea precious?" I smiled and cupped her face with my hand so she would look at me. "How do you know when you love someone?" She blushed slightly.

"Who do you love or at least think you love?" I smiled at her. I already knew the answer, but I wanted to hear her say it. "You" She mumbled. "Well when you love someone, whenever you see them, it will always make you feel as if there are a million little butterflies in your stomach. Whenever you see them it feels like the first time you ever laid eyes on them. And you couldn't stand watching them without them knowing that you love them" I smiled and she nodded.

"Rocky?" She some again with her voice trembling. "Yes baby?" I smiled down at her. "I love you" She blushed. "I love you too baby" I kissed her forehead. "Really?" She smiled and I nodded.

"What do you wanna do now?" I asked. "Can we go just stay here?" She asked combing her fingers through my hair. "Of course" I said. "You're hairs long, I like it" She said, while still combing my hair. "You're hairs long too" I said running my fingers through her long locks of hair.

"Can we play guess the body part challenge?" She asked and I nodded. (A/N- Right now who cares if she is 13? 😂) "Whenever someone guesses the wrong body part, they have to kiss the other person" I suggested and she nodded.

"Ok close your eyes" I said and she closed them. "Let me just take this off" I lied and she giggled. I tried moving around a bit so it would sound as if I took a piece of clothing off. "Here" I said and stuck her finger to the back of my knee.

"Ew its hairy" She laughed and I did too. "Is it your forearm?" She asked. "Nope" I said and she opened her eyes to see the back of my knee. She leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss.

"Ok close your eyes" She said and I did as told. She led my finger to a part of her body. "Ok guess" She said giggling. "It all feels like skin" I complained and laughed some more. Truth is I already knew what it was, (insert smirking emoji) "Open you're eyes" She said and I did as told. It was her friggin boob. She's only 13, what the hell is wrong with kids these day?

"Brooke....." I smiled as she fixed herself. "I didn't want to see that" I whined and she giggled. "Baby, we talked about this last night. You seem so innocent, but you're thoughts are so mature" I smirked.

I laid down flat on the couch and she got on top of me, on her hands and knees. I placed my hands in her hips and rocked them slowly. She sat down on my waist, and started taking off my shirt. "You have a six pack!" She exclaimed and I chuckled.

"So does every other boy who lives in this house" I said and she giggled. She traced her fingers on the outline of my abs, making me get goosebumps.

"I can't believe I showed you my boob" She giggled softly as I sat up. "Yea why did you do that?" I smirked. "Well I saw your private part so I thought maybe I could repay you" She shrugged.

"Private part?" I said amused, raising my eyebrows. "You can curse in this house you know" I suggested. "Ok I saw your dick so I thought you would like to see my boob" She shrugged. "You're sweet, but you don't have to show your body to me" I said cupping her face in my hand.

"I wanted to" She simply said. "I need a shower" She announced after a couple seconds. "I'll show you" I said and she hopped off of me. I led her towards the bathroom and took her inside. "I'll be done in a few babe" She said and only pecked my cheek, and turned away from me. "Hold up" I said and pulled her back to me, only to see the slight smirk in her face. I went down to kiss her lips, but she turned her face so I ended up kissing her cheek.

She pulled away from me and made her way to the shower. She started stripping right in front of me. "Brooke" I whined seeing she was fully naked. I didn't want to see her naked since she still is at such a young age. She tossed her clothes on the floor and stepped behind the shower curtain.

I had a great idea. Since she wanted to play that game and give me no kisses. I took every towel from the bathroom and her clothes silently. I made my way out of the bathroom once I started hearing the water coming through to the shower.

A few minutes later I heard the water turned off. "Rocky!" She called out. I walked into the bathroom and saw her hiding behind the shower curtain.

"Where my clothes?" She smirked. She knows me to well! "In my room" I shrugged. She let out a sigh and got out of the shower. She's beautiful, absolutely breathtaking. "Stop staring" She giggled and tried to cover herself.

We heard voices from downstairs and a door shut. "Shit" I whispered and started stripping, to give my girlfriend some clothes. I gave her my boxers and t-shirt. And now I was the one left naked. "What are we gonna say?" She panicked. "Who cares?" I shrugged not caring that I was going to be caught naked in front of my siblings.

"Guys?" I heard Riker call out. I grabbed Brooke's hand and pulled her out of the bathroom. "Oh my god" Ryland said laughing hysterically. "Dude she's 13" Ross said chuckling. "Eww Rocky cover yourself" Rydel whined playfully.

"I told you so!" Riker claimed towards Ratliff. He  rolled her eyes and gave him 5 dollars. I looked at them confused. "We had a bet to see if you were going to have sex while we were gone" Riker shrugged and I shook my head. "We didn't have sex" I argued.

"Sure" Ryland chuckled and walked into his room, along with the rest of my siblings. Me and Brooke walked into our room, yes our, and I put on a pair of boxers. "Cuddle time?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. I chuckled and nodded.

She practically jumped onto my lap with her legs curled up between my own. She rested her head in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her small body. "I love you" I whispered kissing the top of her head. "I love you too" She said and I looked down to see her smiling. Everything's perfect, just like her.

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