Part 6

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Y/n pov

The door fly open revealing Bam Bam standing at the door. I immediately stop playing the song and turn my body to Bam Bam 's direction.

"Hey !!! You said so yourself that you got something to tell me so what is it. I can't handle my curiosity anymore quickly tell me !!" I speak out, my eyes full of curious.

Bam Bam then walk closer and closer towards me. Suddenly he pull out a bouquet of roses from his back and kneel down before me. I was so shocked, I covered my mouth with both my hand.

"Y/n, we have been friends since forever. Since young, I already have a crush on you. I am happy everyday because of you and I want to make you happy too. Please go out with me y/n !! "
He speak while locking his big brown eyes with me .

I am happy he loves me and I love him too but not lover kind of love .I have always only see him as my lovely friend /brother . The thought of us being together have never crossed my mind even once. I don't want to hurt his feeling but I really can't go out with him. It's breaks my heart to see him heart broken but I have to do this for him and myself.

"Umm Bam Bam I really happy that you love me but I ..."I began to talk but was cut off by Bam Bam.

"Y/n please I really need you in my life, I can't function without you. "He beg with teary eyes that make me want to cry too.I was about to give in but I didn't because I know I don't love him that way and even if I say yes now I will only break his heart later.

"I'm sorry Bam Bam, but I really can't go out with you " I said then lean forward to hug him.

"Even if we can't be lover I still can stay by your side forever as your best friend. I promise no matter what happen nothing will change our relationship. " I said while hugging him ,not even bother to let go.

"Beside you deserve people better than me and I know there is so many girls out there that suits you better. "I continue to said while laughing.

Suddenly, Bam Bam jerk away from my hug and look deeply into my eyes.

"What ...what's the prob....." before I could even finish my sentence, Bam Bam crash his soft ,pink lips onto mind.

Hey !!! I'm finally back from my exam !!! I am really thankful to all those that vote, comments and add this story to their reading list, I am so happy to see that I have some readers that thinks that my story is not bad. Once again THANK YOU.

Okay Ik I write this kinda short but no worries because I have a week holidays so I may have some extra time to update one or two more chapters this week. Just like always please vote and comments and look forward to the next chapter!!!

Cookies out

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