Part 8

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Jungkook Pov

'Ringggg ' finally the school is over and I might see my y/n in a few minutes after I buy myself a coffee from the vending machine at our school's cafeteria.

I found out that the place, the school's old music room that I first saw y/n is a place where y/n always go after school. Although she doesn't go there everyday, I will still go there to test my luck. Even if, I might only ended up wasting hours of my time there without y/n showing up I still take that chance .

I am in love with her and trust me love make you do the stupidest thing.

I was on my way there after getting myself a can of ice cold coffee. The school become so quiet after school is over. The usually pack hallway is now empty without a single living souls. It is quiet and make me feel so relax. I unconsciously hum out the song BUTTERFLY because I always sing when I feel happy and relax.

My life is always pack with things and I don't usually got this peaceful .I am glad that now I can take a break from my life and only focusing on y/n .Y/n really is my angle, just the thought of seeing her makes me so happy. I am joyful because of y/n and it is amazing how she change me even without her trying or notices. Just because of her existence I became more peaceful and not my usual grumpy self. Me, my family and friends is happy with that change too.

When I was getting nearer to the room I heard some voices of struggling and someone yell for help. My leg immediately take me to the front door of the music room and I was shocked and mad at the same time when I saw the scene before me. I couldn't hold my anger and shout at him and bolt to their direction. I quickly threw Bam Bam to the ground and hit him. Then I quickly turn around to see a violently shaking y/n. She was trying hard to not show that she is scared but to no avail. I saw her uniform was wreck I quickly cover her up and ask if she was OK.

I ignore Bam Bam's yelling and focus only on y/n. After I ask if she is alright she burst into tears and hug me. I know she was just too scared and need a person by her side now. I hug her back and draw circle on his back trying to calm her down and shushing her. She slowly calm down and eventually stop crying.

She moves away from me and wipe away her tears. She even mutter a soft thank you and blush may be because she was embarrassed by her earlier action. I give her my famous smile and tell her it was OK. I can't stop smiling at her because she is so cute when she blush and shy. I offer her my hand and help her up. BamBam have left without us noticing though if he haven't I might hit him to a pulp.

"Come on let me walk you home. "I said.

"I.. I am fine, I can walk home by myself. "

"No, I insist I want you to get home safely beside it is already getting dark out there and it is not safe a pretty girl like you to walk home alone. "I argue

She blush may be because I called her a pretty girl and nodded slowly.

I am happy and pick up her bag that was on the ground before running to her again. I took her hand and we walk to the front door of our school while holding hands. She was blushing madly when we are on my way to my driver car. I open the door for her and she mutter a soft thank you before getting in. Even though I already knew where she live I still pretend to ask where she lives to avoid any suspicious. She politely told my driver where she lives and not to forget thanks him too .I am happy that she is kind from the deep of her heart. We talk about ourselves on our way back to her house .She become comfortable when she was talking about herself and laughing when I joke. Without noticing we arrive at her house and I walk out with her and she thanks both me and my driver.

"Thank you, Mr. and you too Jungkook shi. "

"You can just call me Jungkook ."

"So can we be friend? "

"Of course! "

"Oh OK, Jungkook , thank you for sending me home and for your help earlier if you weren't there I don't know what will had happen."

"Hey its fine and stay away from that guy Bam Bam. "

"I know but Bam Bam is my best friend I don't know what happen to him today but believe me he is a good person. "

"Fine just be careful when you are with him and make sure someone is with you when you are meeting him or even call me when you want to talk to him. "

"OK thank you for everything Jungkook. "

After that y/n hug me and kiss me on my cheeks before opening her door and stepping inside. I was so happy and my heart had skip a beat and beating very fast. She was blushing and I also feel my face heat up too.

"See you tomorrow at school then, Jungkook. "

I was still for a few seconds then I finally answer.

"Ok see you then. "


Sry for not updating for a while because I was busy with school but oh well I have a long update for u guys today. Enjoy!!!!

Thank you for the 500+ views!!!!

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