Behind The Pages I: Inspiration and Phase 1 Timeline

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The main reason why I decided to write a book about Miles Morales is because in my opinion, he's sort of the best Spider-Man whose story is never told. Peter Parker has many stories about him all over but Miles is relatively new so what I can do with the character's story is a lot more than I can do with Parker. Simply put, I have more creative control over Miles Morales than I do over Peter Parker. Peter Parker has been there for over 50 years so people already have an impression of him. Say Peter Parker and you imagine a scrawny, socially awkward nerd and genius. When you read a story about Parker, you already know what to expect. All that cheesy humour, his science skills, the ever constant Flash Thompson, the Uncle Ben quote and even the constant ranting from Jonah Jameson. I wanted to write a fan fiction story but my own totally different version and I knew changing Parker in the way I would have, if I'd written about him would have gotten a lot of hate and people commenting ”Inaccurate. Not my Parker," so I'm not doing that. Plus, Peter Parker stories are common and becoming sort of a cliche now.

Another reason I decided to write about Miles is because he deserves it. In comics, Miles was the “Ultimate Spider-Man" and for a very good reason. So when it was announced that an Ultimate Spider-Man animated series was in the works at DisneyXD, we all had high hopes of getting to see Miles Morales and an on-screen adaptation of the Ultimate Marvel Universe. But instead, we were given a retelling of Peter Parker's story which was the same with what we've always known but it was set in a deeply inaccurate Ultimate Universe. It was annoying to see Peter take the lead in a show that was never even supposed to be about him. Yes, we got to see Miles later but again, only as a side character to Peter Parker. That sucked. Now there's a new Spider-Man animated show which has, surprise surprise, Peter Parker in the lead again. And this time, Miles Morales is the nerdy side character who barely gets any attention. Again, that sucks.

But Miles is a unique character, even in his comics. His origin is different. His reason for donning the outfit is different. And he comes from a very different background than Peter. There's thousands of possibilities involving this character, different ways to properly portray him. And I always planned for my new Marvel Expanded Universe (thanks @OneQwerty for the name) to be set in a future where heroes are gone. Either dead or retired. And I felt Miles would fit better into this universe than Peter Parker would. And the story begins in 2070 or 2071, so you expect things to be much more advanced and developed which is why Horizon High is a main part of his story. A school for the scientific and technical geniuses who are practically the leaders of the future. And I'm also gonna focus on the fact that without heroes, villains reign free. And in a technologically advanced time, these villains are even more dangerous since they're equipped with all this tech. So Miles's run as Spider-Man won't be a walk through the park because I already have a dangerous rogues roster planned out for him. And each of his villains plays an important role in helping Miles grow and become not just a better hero but a better person all together.

And I'm taking a more realistic approach to him. You don't just don a suit and head out to hand beatings to criminals. You'll be afraid. You'll probably even fail your first few tries. And that's what Miles will go through. And he'll have that doubt of whether he's worthy to be called Spider-Man for the first half of his trilogy. But I'm really hoping I can show his character growth properly because it's vital.

And while the current cast might seem filled with only OCs, there are some normal Marvel characters out there in this universe and characters noticeably linked to them. They're not on the cast because I don't want to give it all away. I their appearances to be sudden, unpredictable. Something that makes you be like “Oh, he's alive. I thought he was dead," or “OMG! Him? He's here??" not “Was wondering what chapter he'd show up in."

But just as I'll be bringing some normal Marvel characters into the mix, you can expect new totally original characters to don superhero/supervillain mantles in the future of this universe. And while the villains in the cast or OCs, I did this because the Spider-Man villains were mostly nemesis of Peter Parker and are overused. More villains from the comics will appear later on but for now, I'll stick to completely original villains.

But I can promise you that there's a really big, feared, insanely powerful villain from the comics that will appear in the future. And I'm still planning out “Third Avengers" which is sort of something I'm hoping I can do in the future where Miles forms his team of Avengers to combat the really big villain in the future. (*wink*)

Now, I'll let you in on a little secret. The original premise of the story was to be set in a dystopic future where Hydra had destroyed every hero and the world. Miles would have been a rebel with cool tech armour that enhanced him only when wearing it and would be working to take Hydra down. But I scrapped it because I didn't want to start the universe with that dark a setting and also because there would have been many issues with that storyline in the long run. Now the setting is a vibrant, futuristic Earth because great settings open up the possibility for great character development and that's something I'm going to be focusing on in all my stories.

If you're wondering what happens after this book, I'll tell you what I plan on doing although it's not confirmed. It's only depending on how this book ends and what inspires me after. I might move on straight to writing the sequel to this book because it's a trilogy but what I really hope to do is write a Fantastic Four book. With fresh new takes on all the characters and new dynamics between them and I'm considering on making the entire book take place in space if I do write it. I already have all sorts of brilliant ideas of what to do with the Fantastic Four but I just hope I have better luck with them than Fox has had so far.

After this book, I'll then probably write the sequel to Spider-Man which will be aptly titled Spider-Man 2, if I don't come up with a brilliant title by then. This is my currently planned timeline for the first phase of my planned universe and I hope to God that it all works out exactly as planned:

Spider-Man -> Fantastic Four -> Spider-Man 2 -> N.O.V.A Corps -> Spider-Man 3 -> The Third Avengers

Spider-Man -> September 2048
Fantastic Four -> September 2048
Spider-Man 2 -> January 2049
N.O.V.A Corps -> March 2049
Spider-Man 3 -> December 2049
The Third Avengers -> July 2050

After the Third Avengers, there'll be a series of solo stories based on other characters in this universe and there might possibly be a Spider-Man 4 if the inspiration for that comes.

Spider-Man : The Morales TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now