Chapter 15

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Monday came faster than light and that meant it was time for classes. Luckily for Miles, he only had two hours of Chemistry today which meant two hours of freedom since Connors wasn't present. He still chose to head to the lab in case there was a replacement professor for Connors.

Dil entered the lab shortly after Miles and sat beside him, with a wide grin on his face. "Hey, buddy."

"Hey, stalker," Miles replied. "You've been following me around for quite a while. What do you want?"

"Just checking in on my best friend, nothing out of the ordinary."

"It is out of the ordinary because we usually walk and talk together but you've been tailing me, trying to be discreet."

"How would you know?"

"I could hear you. Not exactly hearing you but I could just sense your presence. You aren't as stealthy as you think you are."

"I don't have experience tailing genetically modified people," Dil said and rolled his eyes. "Can't blame me for that."

"What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if you were up to any superhero shenanigans. Maybe trying to track Connors via GPS or doing more investigation in his office."

"I'm not doing either of those things."

"So how do you plan on finding Connors?" Dil asked. "We need to find him quick before he possibly develops a weapon of mass destruction for the bad guys."

"Let's just clear things up: there is no we and I'm not a superhero. I'm a teenager and I have enhanced capabilities. Powers don't make you a superhero."

"You're right. But a dope costume would make you one," Dil grinned and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. "I'm not a great artist but here's concept art of what your superhero costume should look like."

"I'm not a superhero!" Miles said. "And I don't need a costume. My hoodie works just fine."

"Until you're falling through the air and the wind blows the hood off of your head," Dil countered.

"That's why I also have a neat mask."

"That reveals your eyes and the lower part of your face. That's enough biometric data to pinpoint exactly who you are."

"So you want me to find Connors dressed in a skin-tight black costume?" Miles said as he looked at the drawing. It was surprisingly good which meant Dil had put a lot of time and effort into it.

"Black and red," Dil corrected. "I originally intended it to be black and white or red and black but that seemed flashy. This is stealthy and cool. And easily distinguishable from the classic red and blue."

"Why's there a spider emblem?" Miles queried.

"Because you got your powers from a spider?" Dil answered, sounding a bit unsure. "And it would be great if you carried on the spider legacy."

"There isn't any spider legacy," Miles said before shredding the piece of paper and letting the pieces fall to the floor. Dil looked slightly hurt.

"I know how much effort you put into that drawing but being a superhero isn't part of my agendas right now. I want to find Connors and the sick asshole who put me in a hospital. I do that, I walk away. No strings attached. No pointing in giving people hope if it's not going to stick around."

"Then maybe hope should stick around," Dil said. "You have these powers and revenge is the only thing on your agenda?"

Miles wanted to open his mouth to speak when he noticed a familiar face pass right past the lab. He got up and bolted out of the lab with Dil following him.

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