Chapter 20 : Confusion and Finalized

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" Chris,You know i love you, right?" I mumbled in his bare chest. It was nearly four in the morning and neither of us could go to sleep. It's been a couple of months since i've found the letter from my mother. I'm fine but i never told anybody about it yet. I didn't even know what i was going to do with the money; my first thought was to get up and out of Virginia for the fact; this state holds to much for me. I need to a fresh start.

A clean slate.

A different life with no Jesse, no drama, no sympathetic looks from people i barely know.

But i have things i need to accomplish before all that could possibly happen. Like graduating for one.

I felt Chris shift under me pulling my body up and lifting my head to look at him. Even though it was pitch dark in my room i could see his face from the moonlight-- yes i said my room; well the room in my dad's house. I still live here and i still call him my dad. It would be odd to stop calling him my daddy and start calling him my uncle and my uncle my daddy, it'll make things awkward, very awkward. As awkward as this thought. 

Even though it wouldn't matter to me if i call either them my dad because they are the most important males in my life and both played a father role.

"Yea." He mumbled looking at me with a unknown expression. Over the last couple of months, he's been different. Like he's hiding something or he's guilty. I know he hasn't cheated on me, i know that -- i just think its deeper. Something has it attention and i wish i knew but i didn't want to press him about it.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" I whispered. He nodded pretty hesitantly.

It's odd how i want him to talk to me but i can't even tell him whats going on with me.

"You know you can tell me anything too Eliza." He said in a raspy voice, looking down at me. 

"I guess.." i mumbled tracing around his lips. Playfully, he took my finger into his mouth sucking it. Pulling my finger out of his mouth i cracked a smile before pecking his lips softly and passionately. "Really.." i asked.

"I seriously don't know," He said finally laughing.

It wasn't long  before we ended back up in silence, and drifted off back to sleep.


2 days later

"What are you thinking Eliza?" Logan asked me. We were at his aunt house, I didn't have anybody else to talk to since Chris was busy with something, Charlie was helping her little sister bake and My dad and Melisa went baby shopping... Again.

You can actually see it in his face that he's happy he's having a baby. With me not being his first born and this one will be.

It hurts but at least he still see's me as his daughter. 

But i could get use to it.

I was looking forward for a brother or sister but now they'll be my cousin. 

"Nothing Logan." i stated picking at my nails. 

He just stared at me, "Forreal, you can tell me." He pleaded. 

"I'm leaving after graduation." I mumbled. i finally decided on my answer. I don't think imma tell anybody though- well except Logan since i just told him. I know i might hurt Chris by doing this but i know he'll be fine, He'll find somebody with little to no horrible past or alot of baggage with them. As with my dad; he has a baby on the way, i'll write a letter so nobody would get worried.

I think that's somewhat reasonable.



"What do you want child?" He spat. I sighed rubbing my face. Why does he have to be rude? I'm trying to help him out. 

"Never mind." I said hanging up in his face, I'm getting tired of helping him. What else am i suppose to do for him? I already told him that Eliza and Chris had sex which i see no problem because of it. Teenagers have sex all the fucking time. I don't know why im helping him he's in prision what in the world is he going to do? 



"Christopher, i know you don't wanna leave Eliza but i think you should take the record deal. This is your future. I'm pretty sure Eliza has her own plans for hers. Talk to her." My mom said as she stood in my doorway, I looked at my phone thinking, this has been bothering me for the longest. To me i couldn't leave Eliza in the condition she's in. It doesn't matter how much she says she's fine but she just drifting off.We're both becoming distant in our relationship. I can feel it. We're both worried about something but won't talk. 

I saw the shadow of my mom disappeared so i guessed she left. When i was about to go downstairs to get something to snack on i saw that my phone lit up indicating somebody was calling me. Ty

We haven't spoken I'm a while, he shut his self away from the group. Never answered anybody text messages or showed up when we hanged out. The last time he came to lunch with us was the day that Logan boy Eliza knows came. That been months. 

"Hello?" I said answering. I heard shuffling but from a distance. 

"Melissa you need to talk to your uncle! I'm getting tired of betraying my friends for something that doesn't have nothing to do with me!" I heard him yell. 

"You talk to him. Uncle Jesse has connections Michael, I'm not worried about Eliza. I can't wait until she gets away from Aaron, she's not even his i don't understand why he doesn't just send her to her real dad." I heard Melissa say. 

Uncle? She's Jesse's Niece? What did Ty have to do with this? 

"Why is he so obsessed with her? He raped her.. What's is this all about?" 

"It's all about the money."  she stated. 

What fucking money? 


So theres alot of things popping up. Hope it isn't too confusing. 

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