My New Boyfriend: Gabriella

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It was five hours past noon, I was wearing my small crown with flowers, a green silk gown with a matching choker.

‘We have arrived to our destination.’ said the horseman.

Yes! I am finally here! My butt hurted from all the sitting!

Then, I stepped out of my carriage and went into the palace.

Their palace was a bit bigger than the one back home, it was reasonable since their kingdom was slightly more powerful than mine. The first thing I saw after entering was the ceiling, It has a gigantic chandelier with crystals reflecting the candle light making the room extremely well lit. There was a beautiful painting painted on the ceiling of baby angels and the gods.

‘Nice ceiling, isn’t it?’ said a voice in a sassy tone.

I turned my head to the source of the voice, it was from the king’s throne.

The man had blond hair and deep greenish yellow eyes. He looked like the young version of their king.

‘Hey, who the heck are you? Why are you sorting on the throne?’ I asked in an even more sassy voice.

‘I am Prince Ivan, be glad that I graced you with my presence.’

‘I am Princess Gabriella of Caiya.’

‘Bingo! I guessed it right. By the way, your green dress make you look like you are covered in the waste of silk dye.’

‘It’s pretty god damn ironic that the shade of green of your eyes looks very similar to the green of my dress. By the way, you know It’s not very nice of you to insult your soon-to-be wife, just a thought.’

After I said that, the throne room fell into dead silence and Prince Ivan’s face was red like a tomato.

‘You know what? I never have to be remotely nice to any of my woman that I ever dated. They were just hypnotized by my looks once they saw me. Only you have the nerve to speak like that.’

‘Well, I’m more of a personality person. I am quite immune to a hollow shell, quite an honor to be the first one.’ I smirked.

‘Besides, who thought that it is a good idea to wed you off to me? I know you’re smart and a good leader, but who would want a wife who isn’t beautiful nor submissive? Girls like you are best left alone.’

Was he an idiot?! So many kings, emperors and princes would choose a smart woman as his spouse because they could help them with their job.

Then, the monarchs of Derus came down to the throne room. The King has blonde hair and a tall and chubby figure while the Queen has strawberry blonde hair and is petite.

‘Looks like Princess Gabby has arrived.’ said the queen in a classy voice.

What the heck?! Nobody calls me Gabby, ever!

‘And they seem like they are starting to have chemistry.’ chuckled the king.

Nothing is ever as it seems, ever.

When they stepped into the throne room, the Queen asked me ‘ Sweetie, are you hungry?’

‘Well yeah. The ride was long.’ I answered.

‘Dinner will be ready soon.’ she smiled sweetly.

I smiled back and nodded.


It had been fifteen minutes and dinner was finally ready and I am starving!

The dinner did not look disappointing, and I can finally eat!

The wall of the dining room which was facing the west was made with glass. I could see a church tower from here and the sun was setting, it made the clouds looked like they were burnt.

The King assigned me to a seat. Unfortunately, the dish that I wanted to eat was far away from me.

‘Prince Ivan, could you pass me the chicken please?’ I asked politely.

‘Why should I?’ he asked in a sassy manner.

Here we go again...

‘Because um... ah... just past the dish to me, goddamn it!’ I grunted.

Crap! What should I respond?

‘Son, treat her better. You are her new boyfriend.’ said the Queen.

Yes! The savior has talked!

‘Fine!’ he rolled his eyes and finally passed the dish to me.

‘Thanks.’ I said, snatching the dish.

We ate our dinner and left the room.


After I left the dining room, a maid assigned me to my room which was next to Ivan’s.

I entered my room and found all of my luggage in a corner of the room and my dog waiting for me on one of my suitcases.

I patted his head and unpacked one of my suitcases.

Then, I took out a gray nightgown and changed into it immediately.

I sat on the chairs of my desk and found that there was a quill, ink and a pile of paper.

Awesome! I could write a letter to Valentina now.

I wrote:

Dear Valentina,

I have already arrived at their palace and I will go to sleep soon.

This place is pretty splendid, you should come here and visit if you have the chance to.

As for my new family, the King looks like a happy-go-lucky person and the Queen is very generous. As for my future husband... well, he isn’t the nicest person and he is really self-absorbed. Wish me luck, I guess...

P. S. : Please don’t cry.


After I wrote the letter, I left it on the table and went to sleep right away.

Headstrong Princess Meets Narcissistic Prince (UNDER EDITING)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora