When Two Pasts Collide | Chapter 10

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Out of all the people he could have met - It was her. Yuki Yoshida, the only daughter of the Yoshida family; Left all alone, and it was all thanks to Kenshin. He killed him, and yet he has the courage to stand in her home, where her father once lived.

Many questions occurred to his mind; How could he not know? Did he ever have an encounter with the man before? Was he an ex-opponent?

But then again, a thought interrupted his over-filled mind: He was a spy.

Kenshin could not believe his ears, this story made him agitated, a feeling of unease and guilt washing over him entirely. What could he do? He deepened Yuki's misery forever; And in Kenshin's eyes, that was something unforgivable.

He knew one thing for certain - He had to confess to his crime and depart from the Yoshida residence as soon as he could, before he could draw any attention.

'Yuki-Dono...' Kenshin thought to himself, shutting his eyelids tightly in pain. 'How could this one not know...?!' He mentally exclaimed, seeing as he seemingly did not want to draw attention from Tadashi and Jiro.

After Tadashi had left the red head to sit alone, Kenshin realised his mistake and exhaled sharply; His soft amethyst eyes examining the garden outside.

It was almost the afternoon, and Kenshin had an intention to prepare a meal for Tadashi, Jiro and himself; However, The red head had not a clue on how much longer he was going to live with the guilt.

It was an absolute necessity to confess to Yuki, but Kenshin knew that this would end very badly.

"Oi, red head." Jiro called from afar as he leaned against the doorframe, interrupting Kenshin's thoughts.

The red head pulled himself from his thoughts, "A-Ah, yes, Jiro-san?" He replied, but it was evident that he was not fully fixated on the conversation.

Jiro snorted, "Yuki wants ya." He told him, flaring his nostrils in frustration as he exhaled sharply. Kenshin raised his eyebrow, "Y-Yuki-Dono...? She wants this one, that is?" He asked in disbelief.

The younger male groaned in annoyance, "Yes! Now get your ass up and hurry, don't want that so called 'Woman', to flame up on us." He sighed at the thought of Yuki, his expression showing annoyance at the feel of her name slipping out of his mouth.

Kenshin immediately stood up and straightened his posture, "Alright, thank you for informing me, Jiro-san." Kenshin bowed to the 17-year-old and walked passed him; Leaving Jiro standing alone.

"Tch, whatever." The dark haired man rolled his eyes and continued on with his activity.

As Kenshin walked a short distance, he found himself standing right outside Yuki's door, causing him to frown deeply.

'Forgive me Yuki-Dono, that you must. Although, what I did to you is unforgivable, that it is.' He stated mentally, before seeing the door slide open and Yuki standing right in front of him.

"Hello, Kenshin." She smiled a calm smile; Her eyes red and puffy, her cheeks a slight pink-ish colour, and her hair parted to the side as it was rolled up.

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