The Strike Of Love | Chapter 11

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Yuki stood completely still in Kenshin's warm embrace, a feel of panic running through her. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist as his head rested on the crown of her head; Leaving Yuki's face to be brought into his chest.

'This is a mistake..!' She mentally exclaimed, however, not forgetting the fact that she did not protest and willingly accepted his embrace.

Yuki's face slowly began to scrunch up, her eyes narrowing as her hand slowly reached for the side of her Obi.

Kenshin felt her shift uncomfortably, a suspicious feeling washing over him.

'If I do this now...then he'll be gone forever...' She hesitantly thought to herself.

Soon, Yuki closed her eyes tightly in pain and reached for her Wakizashi placed neatly on her Obi.

A feminine exclaim escaped her lips, "HAAAA!" She unsheathed the short Katana and pushed Kenshin backwards.

Kenshin gasped, 'No!'

The hatred was present in Yuki's eyes; All hope for her rage washing away has disappeared, the countless amount of smiles and laughs quickly flashed before Kenshin's very eyes, remembering her face which gave him hope to see peace once again.

Kenshin hesistated - He had no intention to draw his sword towards a woman, however, Yuki's energy and anger was strong.

Kenshin needed to think - And quick.

"Yuki-Dono..! This will not bring y-"

"Shut up!" The dark haired female interjected as her Wakizashi swung effortlessly towards the red headed Wanderer.

Kenshin gasped, "Listen to me, that you must!" He attempted to reason.

Despite being in a small room, movement was difficult. Yuki tried her hardest to strike Kenshin with death, but it was almost as if she was receiving a sign from above that it would be the largest mistake that would ever commence.

'No..!' She mentally cried. 'I will not lose to the strength of the Battousai! I must win!' She thought, determined.

Kenshin dodged her every move, much to Yuki's tolerance. "Stop moving, you bastard!" She exclaimed angrily as a groan of annoyance escaped her lips.

Kenshin's Heart was filled with worry, seeing Yuki in such an assassin-like state agitated him slightly.

'Yuki-Dono's determination is strong, that it is. However, this one must try to stop her, that he must...' He plotted mentally.

And so, Kenshin's movement began to quicken, moving away from Yuki with no effort, but seeing the young girl's movement, Kenshin would say their speed was quite similar.

'She's quick, that she is.' He examined her movement, seeing as her glare remained on her face.

"I said stop moving!" She exclaimed, her voice slightly cracking due to Yuki containing her tears.

Soon, despite her careless movement, Yuki accidentally broke the glass bottle which held her red rose in place.

"NO!" Yuki exclaimed, seeing the glass scattered on the ground.

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