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My mum walks into my room, making me aware that she's back, as I obviously wouldn't hear the front door opening. 

"Dinner's ready." She says, leaving after saying so, shutting the door so that it's still ever so slightly open, which is something that I don't know why I take notice of.

I get up, the carpet brushing up against my bare feet as I walk out of my bedroom, making sure the door is fully closed as I leave, just because otherwise it'd annoy me. When I reach the dining room, my dad is already sat there, eyes skimming across the pages of a newspaper.

"Hi," I say, sitting opposite him.

"Hi, son. How was your day?" He asks, closing the newspaper and putting it on the floor by his seat.

"It was good, I made a friend who's actually as tall as me," I say with a little chuckle, being someone who is a lot taller than most.

"Really? What's their name?"

"He's called Phil."

My mum sets four plates of food on the table, then taking a seat next to my dad, and I can tell she's starting to talk, so Iook at her.

"Are you talking about a boy?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows, and I just laugh.

"Yes, but not like that."

"Oh come on, are you suuure?" She asks. My parents have always been accepting of everything, which I'm very much so happy about.

"Yes, I'm sure."

My parents turn their heads, so I do the same, seeing Kaidan walking in, taking the seat next to mine. I continue looking at them in case they say anything, and they do. 

"Why are you blushing?" they sign.

"Mum think's I have a crush or something like that."

"Do you?"

now that's a good question. Do I? 

"Don't know," I answer, not worried about my parents knowing, as they're shit at signs, so they'll have no idea what Kaidan said.

I start to eat the food in front of me, aware that my family are probably having a conversation that I can't join; because I'd have to look at them, and I'd rather pay attention to my food than constantly be turning my head. The dinner is fish and chips, which is very British, but I do have a very stereotypical British family, as we consume about a litre of tea between us in a day.

Once I finish, I walk away, not bothering to say goodbye or ask to leave the table, because sometimes I just don't feel like talking, but Kaidan signs something and I smile. They're always understanding about everything.

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