thirty two

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We strip down into just boxers, crawling into my bed, my mind flurrying with thoughts of Phil. Did his parents threaten him or something? How can his parents have gotten so mad that Phil had to flee out of his house? I push the thoughts aside momentarily, turning so that we face each other. We're close, despite the fact that I have a double bed, so we don't have to be. I suppose he feels comfortable with me, and I sure as hell feel comfortable with him.

"S-So what's the full deal with your parents?" I query, hoping the question isn't too invasive. "You don't have to say," I add, just for caution.

"It's fine, I'll tell you." He assured, before starting. "When I got home, my dad was stood by the door. It was weird, cause my parents are never home that early, like, never. So then he started barking at me, full on screaming. He was saying that I should've called cause I got back late. Bit hypocritical, not gonna lie. Then my mum added, and they said some shit like if I didn't talk to them then I'd be in trouble, I don't know. I ran up the stairs and climbed out of my bedroom window, and now I'm here." He sputtered out, practically croaking nearer the end, as if on the verge of sobbing.

"Oh, Phil," I mumble. "Is- is anything else bothering you? I want you to know that I'm here, and you can talk to me." I urge, hoping that the answer is no, because I want him to be okay. I want us to be okay."

"Everything else is fine, really, besides from being a bit shaken after the whole thing today." He affirmed. "I want us to tell each other." He then declared.

I nod my head in agreement, and he smiles. "I- I don't feel like I do enough," I mutter under my breath, Phil's facial expression suggesting that he didn't hear.

"What was that?"

"I dunno, I just don't really feel like I do enough for the people around me."

"Well, you do more than enough for me, so just remember that, baby" He confided, making me realise how stupid I'm being, and I shove the feelings far down.

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