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sorry that there's been no update for a few days, just haven't been in the writing mood.

We walk along the pavement, dimly lit by street lights, not entirely sure of our location. My arm's wrapped around him, shock still radiating throughout the boy, no words spoken since what happened.

"What the fuck just happened?" He breathes out, stopping us from walking further and looking towards me.

I clutch his hand and bring him to sit down on a wooden bench beside where we were walking. Once seated, face o face, I explain.

"W-Well, I don't really know, but that guy who was speaking shit about- and to you, he, I guess he knocked us out? I don't know, but we ended up in what I assume to be his basement, very stereotypical stuff. He was threatening to shoot you if you didn't answer him, but obviously, you didn't know, cause you were b-blindfolded. I was so scared, I had to tell him! I'mm sorry."

"It's f-fine. I'd rather not be dead, anyway."

"Okay, good, uh- yeah, good."

He rests his head on my shoulder, and I wrap an arm around him protectively, pushing up my glasses which I had managed to get back. I can't even imagine the fear he was going through, unable to see or hear, in complete bewilderment. I wish I could've stopped it, kept him safer and held him closer, but now, well, now I know that I'm never letting him out of my sight; unless I know that he's safe.

When I turn to him, he's checking his phone, a screen full of messages from who I assume to be one of his parents.

"My mum's been texting me for the past five hours."


"I said that I dropped my phone while walking back and went to look for it, and she believed it, so it's fine."

"Are you gonna go home now, then?" 


"I'll walk with you."

"Thank you, fuck, thank you so much."

"My pleasure, I want you to be safe."

He looks up at me, the position we're in making him seem shorter, and, cupping my face, he places a gentle kiss on my lips, soon returned by me. His nails graze over one of my cheeks slightly, most likely adding more to my reddened cheeks. I can't tell whether it's the cold, or the boy in front of me, or both, but something has made me blush so much that I can physically feel my cheeks burning up.

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