Film & Frustrations

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Hey all! There's not enough Dez-centered stories in the Austin & Ally fandom, so I figured it'd be worth a shot. 



"Not good enough…Not good enough!" the freckle-faced teenager shouts to his best friend. "This is not my vision, this is completely wrong!" Frustrated, he rips the backward-facing beret off of his dome, and tosses it onto the ground. He sits himself down, taking hold of his head. His temples throb relentlessly as his stress levels rise from the built-up pressure.

"Dez! Dez, you really needa relax, man," his mop-haired friend takes a seat beside him and pats him gently on the back. "You're stressing way too much over this, buddy. It's going fine and I think you sh-"

"-No! No, Austin, it is not fine. This video has to be perfect. It has to be. If it's not, there's no chance of me getting into UCLA, or even NYU!"

"Dude, you're a great filmmaker and videographer. I'm sure you'll get into a awesome school! And it's cool that you're aiming for those two, but c'mon…Wherever you go, I'm sure you'll do great, man!" Austin pushes him on, cheerfully. Usually Dez would be the optimistic one in terms of career; Austin's never seen him stress out so much in his life. Granted, this is about his future…

"Austin!" a familiar voice calls out to the blonde. Ally rapidly makes her way over to the two boys, her chestnut-brown locks bouncing on and off her shoulders as picks up the pace. The look on her face shows urgency. Upon reaching them, she doesn't hesitate for a single moment as she starts to chide her partner, "Austin! Are you two done shooting yet? We have a song to write, remember? I told you, I'm going to be really busy most this week, so we need to get this done as soon as possible!"

"Wow. Seems everyone's stressing out recently," Austin stares off in a random direction for a moment, contemplating whether or not he, himself, should be worried. The fact that he isn't starts to concern him. "Everyone's stressing out about their future, but me! Is that bad?"

"Well, you seem to have a solid music career ahead of you, Austin. But…You do need a back-up plan, just in case…" Ally states, not noticing how gravely this affected Austin.

"Oh, no...In case what?!" Austin starts to panic, caught off-guard by his songwriter's statement. "You mean it won't last forever?" Ally sighs, patting him on the back as if reassuring a small child that they could, in fact, be a superhero if they truly wanted to be.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. Now, come on, we have a lot of work to do if we're going to get this done by tonight!" Ally forcibly links arms with Austin and starts dragging him away. She then stops for a moment, realizing that she forgot something. She turns to the redhead, quickly acknowledging him, "Oh! Hi, Dez. Good luck with your video! Bye, Dez." She then proceeds to drag the pop-star along with her, wasting no more time. Austin gives his friend Dez an apologetic wave as he is hauled away by the determined girl.

Dez hobbles over to his fancy, and quite expensive, Canon Eos camera - unscrewing and slipping it delicately off of its tripod. He skims through the collected footage that he and Austin had shot together. Dez needs something hard-hitting for this particular short film. It would have to be important, he decides. A film that wouldn't just impress, but "wow" the schools he's applying to. None of the shots they had filmed seem up-to-par with what Dez had in mind. Granted, he isn't quite sure, himself, just what he's going for.

What if I'm not good enough? he questions himself. What if in all this time that I thought I was doing a great job, I turn out to be nothing more than an amateur? Sure, his music videos of Austin performing had gotten managed to attain plenty of hits - helping Austin reach the fame that he now has. Most of that credit goes to Austin, Dez figures. Maybe I'm not cut out for this…

Behind The CameraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin