Driving Me Crazy

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"Dez! Careful!" Trish shouts at the redhead. She had noticed the way Dez's eyes grew heavy, and the way his grip on the steering wheel had loosened.

"Hm?" Dez's eyes widen at the sound of her voice. "Sorry…I didn't get any sleep last night. And, well, it's been a lon ay-" he starts to yawn. It certainly had been quite an eventful day for him. He had pulled an all-nighter applying make-up to the fake head, then on Trish, then on himself, and watching tutorials online. Later, he had to prepare for the magic act, do the magic act, and finally – watch the three-hour-long Bollywood movie with Trish and Lucky. Dez is just about ready to crash. However, so will his car if he doesn't stay alert.

"Pull over," Trish orders him.


"I said, PULL OVER, DEZ!" the daunting girl demands.

Dez grumbles unintelligibly, but does as Trish says - putting the car in park. "But how are we going to get home?"

"I'll drive, doofus," Trish gives him a sharp look as she unbuckles her seatbelt and opens the car door on her side. "Now get your butt over to the passenger seat!"

"Trish, you don't have a license," Dez mutters groggily, loud enough for her to hear.

" I have a permit – and I know how to drive. Better than you do, I might add," she states condescendingly. Hey, it is true after all, she thinks. She had considered telling Dez's parents about the previous incident involving a near-collision with another car, in order to convince them to revoke his driving privileges. However, knowing that this would devastate Dez, she decided against it. Strange, considering how much she normally enjoyed causing him pain.

"Yeah but that's still not allow-" Dez starts, unbuckling himself and getting out from his side, as well.

"-I know," Trish cuts him off, once again. "But you driving right now is a lot more dangerous, Dez. I'll drive you home, then I'll get your mom or dad to drive me. Alright?" Trish walks over to the driver's side, then hops into the seat as Dez sits himself at the passenger side. She buckles up and starts adjusting the seat and mirrors. Dez lets out a little chuckle, watching her as she moves her seat closer to the steering wheel.

"What?" she cocks an eyebrow at him. Did she miss something?

"You're so small," he smiles, adjusting his chair so that he could lean back. "It's adorable." The bewildered look does not leave Trish's face, but she turns back to the road – deciding to ignore him.

Trish takes the car out of park, then starts towards Dez's place. He has just been full of strange compliments recently, hasn't he?, she ponders to herself. Trish isn't sure of whether or not calling her 'small' would be considered a compliment - but 'adorable'? She decides not to dwell on it much. She figures that perhaps she should just take the slightly-flattering remark.

A few minutes down the road, Trish decides to finally speak to her freckle-faced companion. "Hey, Dez…I just wanted to say thanks, y'know, for being there for me tonight and stuff. Even though I didn't really want you to..." She smirks, her eyes still focused on the road.


After waiting a few moments without a response, she glances over at her friend. Dez had fallen into a deep slumber, his mouth hanging open slightly. He looked almost…Cute.


She shakes off the thought. Cute like a kitten, or a baby. Not cute like…Ryan Gosling, or something, she reassures herself. She wonders why she even needed the reassurance in the first place.

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