More Makeover Magic

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"So…Trish, what's going on with Dez?" Ally asks, sitting on her best friend's bed while she paints her own toenails. This had become somewhat of a Saturday-noon routine for the girls. With their lives being so busy recently, Ally and Trish had to make sure to cram enough "girl time" in together. It's been scarce lately, as Ally had been working towards her own career and Trish being so busy booking gigs and making network connections for her two clients. It's a wonder that Trish had been able to give Dez so much of her time recently.

"Ally, that color doesn't go with your outfit. Try this one," Trish hands her another bottle of nail polish. "And I'm still working on it. I took him to a movie, y'know, to try and get him inspired again. I thought it would be a good motivator. He said that he still wants to make movies, just…More as a hobby than anything else."

"You think he'll still be willing to do videos for Austin?" Ally asks. "I mean…I don't want to pressure him into it, it's just that, Austin seems to only want Dez doing his videos."

Trish shrugs, letting out a heavy, yet sharp exhale. "I don't know, Ally. I could ask him. I'm kinda concerned, though. What if he does decide to get back into film? Will he have enough time to meet the short film submission deadline?"

"That's a good point." Ally stays quiet in thought for a few minutes, while continuing to paint her toenails.

Trish, using the end of a bobby pin, paints little flower designs onto Ally's toenails once the first coat dries. While painting Trish's nails, Ally notices the residue of make-up, still fairly fresh, upon her friend's face.

"Did you go somewhere last night, Trish?" Ally asks, growing curious. Trish isn't one to wear more than just a little bit of eye make-up, unless it was a special event.

"Oh. Heh. Yeah, get this – Dez called me up early this morning and-" Trish starts to explain.

"Oh, my gosh – did you get ready just to meet him?" Ally squeals, in shock. Did Trish want to look good for Dez? Trish just stares at her, a very unamused look on her face.

"What?! Ew. No! Ally, he called me over to do my make-up. Like I'd ever get glammed-up for that bozo," Trish scoffs. "But, y'know, he actually did a pretty good job. Weird, right?"

"Dez knows how to do make-up?" Ally tilts her head at Trish. "I want to say I'm surprised, but I don't think I really am."

Trish nods, chuckling a bit. "It is Dez, after all."

"What is me?" Dez asks, suddenly entering the room. Trish and Ally look over at him, and try their best to hold in the laughter trying to burst out. It seems that he had decided to practice his new trade a bit more…

On himself.

The red-head stares at them as they make the goofiest of faces, trying to hold in their laughs. "What?"

Trish lets out a little chuckle, "Dez, wha-what are you doing here? Like that?"

"Oh, I just wanted to return this," he hands her a little pink scrunchie. "You left it at my place. Also, your mom thinks that these two tones I used on my eyes clash, but I dunno…I kinda like the way they complement my freckles. They are so my colors. What do you think?" he asks, pointing at his eyelids.

"I think you've got a little too much caked on your face, Dez." Ally smiles, trying to be nice. It's not as if a boy wearing make-up would be a bad thing, necessarily. She is just not used to it being on Dez. Granted, there is a lot about this boy she does not know, so she tries her best to be sensitive.

Trish, on the other hand…

"Wipe that crud off your face and come fix my hair," Trish orders him, but in more of a playful and friendly manner than anything else. Dez smiles, and heads over to the nearest bathroom to wash it all off– feeling quite accomplished at getting at least a little laugh out of them both.

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