Clean-Ups & Concerns

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"Easy…Easy…There we go!" Dez pulls out the last of the pieces of confetti that had gotten stuck in Trish's hair from his last act. He then quickly fixes up her hair, using a comb and a bit of hairspray – to get her all set for her date tonight.

Trish keeps checking the time on her phone, growing more and more nervous as seven o'clock approaches. I am Trish De La Rosa, I do NOT get nervous, she reminds herself. However, this does little to calm her nerves.

She had told Lucky to meet her here at Sonic Boom rather than back at her house, mainly to avoid any embarrassment from her parents. However, thanks to Dez, they were here anyway. She turns around, causing him to drop his comb, and gives him a glare. "Why didn't you tell me you invited my parents, Dez?!"

"Wh-? I…I thought they'd like to see how awesome you are on stage! You were a great assistant, y'know…Considering the fact that you didn't have the slightest clue what I was doing."

"I'm still upset at you for changing up the act on me, too! What's up with that?" Trish grills him further.

Dez simply smiles and gives her one last spritz of hairspray at the top of her head. "There, you're all set!"

"Awww, mija, look at you! You look so beautiful!" Trish's mother hurries over to her alongside her husband. Javier had his camera ready, and started snapping pictures of his daughter. Trish stares blankly at them both.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, when Lucky comes, I'll have to act like I don't know either of you," Trish explains quickly, checking the time on her phone again.

Trish's mother smiles at her, then at her father. " ¡Vámonos, Javier! We wouldn't want to embarrass our daughter, now would we?" Eileen winks at her little girl before hurrying her husband out. Javier takes one last snapshot of Trish, standing alongside Dez, before walking out of the store with his wife. JJ follows suit, after tipping his hat at his fellow magician, of course. Dez returns the gesture.

Trish's eyes dart back to her phone. "Well, it's seven," Trish mutters, her anxiety still on-the-rise. She turns to Dez. "I don't know if I can do this…"

"You mean go on your date?" Ally asks, overhearing the conversation. She walks over, her best-friend-instincts kicking in. She places a tender hand onto Trish's shoulder. "Trish, you look weak. Are you alright? Do you need to sit down?" Ally knows this look. It's a look Trish De La Rosa rarely ever sports. Fear.

Austin, who had also been eavesdropping on the conversation, is quick to pull a chair over to Trish and sit her down on it. "Relax, Trish. I'm sure everything will go fine. What're you worried about? You're a lotta fun to hang out with!"

"I concur!" Ally smiles, gently squeezing her best friend's hand in an effort to comfort her.

Dez stands idly, not really sure what to do or say at this point. He isn't used to seeing such a fearful Trish. He has seen her nervous or panicked before, sure, but never to this extent.

Had the Trent thing really damaged her this much? It is hard to believe that one jerk could get to her like this. Or perhaps it was something else? He starts leaning in to give her another comforting hug – only to be stopped by the sound of a voice calling Trish's name.

"Trish!" called the cheery voice, again. The boy wheels himself over in his wheelchair. "I'm so sorry I'm a few minutes late, my chair got caught on the sidewalk nearby. You'd think they'd have a ramp near there!" He chuckles a bit, as he approaches her.

"Lucky, hi!" Trish greets him with a wave, getting up from her chair. "Yeah, we should really talk to someone about that…And it's only two minutes after seven, you're not that late." Her nerves seemed to calm just a little after seeing Lucky.

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