Fantasy & Façades

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"Well?" Trish asks, hands on her hips. She had just put on the sparkly dress her red-headed friend had provided for her. "How do I look?"

"Eh. Decent," Dez shrugs, after shaking off his actual thoughts. Trish looks stunning. Admitting that would take everything he's got, though, and he isn't quite up to that challenge just yet.

Trish glares at him, she really needed positive feedback at this moment. "You really needa learn how to give a girl a compliment."

"Only if you learn how to take one," Dez crosses his arms, smirking slightly. Trish starts shifting a bit, seeming almost – distraught? Insecurity isn't really something Trish would ever feel, is it? Dez's smirk drops, quickly molding into a frown. The concern on his face is apparent as he walks over and gingerly places a hand onto her shoulder. "You okay, Trish? You know, I was just kidding – you look great! You should totally wear this on your date tonight!" He gives her a nervous smile, unsure if he's really helping. Comforting girls isn't his strong suit, but at least he tries.

He didn't like seeing Trish upset. He loved irritating her, sure – but making her genuinely sad? He couldn't stand that.

"I just wanna impress him, Dez. It's been a while since a guy's asked me out," Trish rubs her arm, speaking of Lucky. "I just…I guess I'm afraid that he's just gonna be…Y'know…Another Trent." Sure, she's been in a relationship or two since Trent, and they did not end as badly, but the worry was always there. Trish usually only ever spilled insecurities like these to Ally. Ally, and no one else. However, Austin and Dez have become a lot closer to her these past couple years. Trish figures she should take a shot at trusting them with at least a few secrets.

Dez winces a bit, hearing Trent's name. Having her first love turn out to be such a jerk must have been heart-wrenching. Not that he would really know. Without much thought, he leans down to give her a comforting hug. One that she doesn't return, but a meaningful hug nonetheless. Words of comfort don't seem to be coming to him, so hopefully a hug would suffice.

Trish pries his arms off of her, putting herself back together, "Alright, alright, enough mushy stuff. Let's start practicing your act." She picks up his magician's hat and sniffs it, then scrunches up her face in disgust. "Why does this smell like wet dog …And honey?"

"Oh! I sprayed it with that 'Sweet Puppy' cologne I made Austin a while back," Dez comments, all the while pulling out more items from his magic kit. Wands, a cape, a deck of cards, and lots of glitter. More than was really necessary.

"You kept that?" Trish questions, referring to the cologne - the disgusted look on her face still present.

"Well, yeah," he smiles, and chuckles a little. "It's a reminder."

"Of what, exactly?" Trish raises a brow. "Of how bad you are at making fragrances?"

Dez rolls his eyes, "Uh, no. It's a reminder of the time Trent got covered in bees on the Wanda Watson Show, duh." He chuckles a little more, remembering the whole fiasco. He hoped that lovely memory would get at least a smile out of Trish.

It did.

"C'mon, whack-a-doodle, let's practice your dumb act already," Trish states in a pleasant demeanor, smile staying on her face. That was certainly a great memory.


After several test runs of their act, Dez decides that they are ready for a mini-performance in front of their friends and family at Sonic Boom. He starts setting up the stage, as Austin and Ally set up the chairs for the small audience. Trish sits on one of the chairs, reading a magazine until she had to get on stage. A few strangers wander in, as well, curious as to what was going on in the store.

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