Let Them Bake Cake

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Dez tenses up at her question. It was a simple question, but one that he did not quite have the answer to. He had been behind a camera practically his whole life – filming antics with Austin since they were little tikes. It's been more than just a hobby; it's become part of who he is.

But perhaps this is what makes it such a problem? Has he become so attached to this one direction he wanted to take his life that anything less would make him feel nothing short of a failure?

"I…I don't know. I honestly don't know, Trish. Is that bad?" Several layers of worry coat his face. His mind filled to the brim with all the things that could go wrong. College is not too far from now, is there even enough time to figure out anything else?

Trish gently puts his equipment bag back onto the ground and looks back up at him. She tightens her lips, and shakes her head. "Dez, don't be stupid. Some people take decades, even after high school, to figure out what they really wanna do in life. You shouldn't be worried!"

Her words gave him some relief, but his fears still loomed around in his mind. "But…I mean…Look at Austin and Ally, their careers are skyrocketing and you – you're in the big leagues with them…But me…I mean, Austin can hire better videographers and-"

"-Stop it, Freckle-Face. Are you even listening to yourself? Dez, that's exactly the kinda attitude that will make people walk all over you. To be the best, you gotta think you're the best. You gotta act like you're the best. BE the best. That usually helps me," she says, smugly.

"I just…I don't think I can do this," Dez's eyes lower back onto the ground. All is quiet for a few moments, as he shifts his weight from one leg to the other – hands in his pockets.

Trish sighs dramatically. "Weeell, I guess I can help you figure something out. It's not like I have anything better to do."

"Don't you have to get back to work at FilmTools?" Dez asks. Clearly he hasn't caught on to Trish's style just yet.

"Oh, that," Trish shrugs. "Eh, I'm sure they can hold up without me. Now, c'mon. What else do you enjoy doing that you could see yourself doing years from now?"

Dez goes deep into thought, staring blankly at space, yet again.

"Dez! Think of something already, I'm getting bored," Trish crosses her arms, impatiently.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Dez raises his hand, jumping a bit, childishly.

"You don't have to raise your hand you kn-"

"-I like to makes cakes!" Dez cuts her off. "Wedding cakes. Remember when I took those cake decorating classes? Even Austin said that I make a mean wedding cake." He puts on a large, goofy smile. At least he'd become his chipper self again.

Trish shrugs. "I could go for some cake. Sure! So, you wanna look into culinary schools? Or ask around local bakeries about what steps you could take or…?"

"I should enter the cake-decorating contest they're having at the beach club tomorrow!" Dez jumps again, clearly getting excited about this. It was pretty last-minute, but it seemed worth a shot.

"Oh, you're right! I forgot about that…" Trish comments. It just struck her that she works at that club. Well, she did. However, it's been a while since she's actually been there, so she probably would get fired upon returning. She completely forgot about her job there, and ended up getting a new one at FilmTools without quitting or getting fired from the beach club."Alright! And maybe I can pick up my last paycheck while I'm there," she says, hoping they would give her one. She needed a new handbag.


Trish and Dez head to the local grocery store. They have fun, riding around in the shopping cart, causing mayhem while collecting various ingredients for Dez's cake. After an hour or so of shopping and driving other customers crazy, Dez and Trish meet up with Austin and Ally at Sonic Boom.

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