Movies & Mayhem

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"That…W-w-was…T-terrifying…" Dez stutters, shaking while walking out of the theater into the lobby with Trish.

"I know. Wasn't it great?!" Trish exclaims. "I mean, I knew it was going to be sci-fi, but sci-fi and horror? Even better!" She pauses, watching him shake. The sight is quite amusing to her. "Of course, I coulda done without you squeezing my arm for most the movie. She shows him the red marks on her arm where his hands had latched onto.

"S-sorry," Dez frowns at her.

Trish shrugs and responds, "Nah, I'm sorry. I shoulda double-checked the info on the movie. I know you can't tolerate too much horror. It seemed pretty tame from the trailer, though. Hmm…Weird."

Dez shakes his head, pretty surprised that Trish had actually apologized to him. "It wasn't your fault, you didn't know. Plus, it was actually a pretty good movie, aside from nearly making me ruin my favorite pants!" Dez's face starts to brighten up.

"I thought the blue ones were your favorites," Trish tilts her head. Why do I even know that?, she wonders.

Why does she even know that?, Dez wonders, as well. "No, those are my favorite tile-patterned pants. These are my favorite pants overall!" he explains.

"Those aren't overalls," Trish remarks, not hearing him clearly. They both start heading over to the entrance.

"Not overalls, over all," Dez rolls his eyes. "And you call me clueless."

Trish glares back at him with now-clenched fists, "Don't make me ruin my nice-streak, Whack-a-Doodle."

"-Y'know this movie inspired me. I'd love to make a horror movie someday. Something…Something that would even scare you!" Dez states, completely changing the subject, hoping Trish will forget about her anger towards him. It worked.

"Hey, it'll take a lot to scare m-Wait…" she pauses, thinking about what he had said. "So, you want to keep making movies then?" Trish raises a brow. She really hoped so. Team Austin needed their videographer back. She took him to a movie specifically to try to get him back "on track".

Dez simply shrugs. "I don't know…Maybe?" he starts to frown once more, as he opens up one of the entrance doors for Trish. She exits through, and he follows her out. "I still can't seem to shake off this feeling, though. I mean, I really wanna keep doing this…But maybe as a hobby? It's been stressing me out so much, Trish. I don't want to stop loving it, y'know? I love it too much to make it seem like work, I guess. I wanna keep enjoying filmmaking."

Trish nods. Dez is actually making a lot of sense, strangely enough. She thinks about her job as Austin's manager, and how she found it to be more fun than actual work. She'd hate it if she lost that passion she has as a manager. Not sure of what else what to say on the matter, the duo walk back to Dez's mom's car in silence.


While driving towards Trish's place, she turns to Dez and asks him. "So…What now, Dez?"

"Dropping you off, uh, duh." Dez states in his sarcastic tone of voice. "Though I'm really flattered that you wanna spend more time with me, I actually got some errands to run for my mom and-"

"-Not that, you bozo!" Trish cuts him off. "I mean…Career-wise. You're not filmmaking, and not becoming a cake-decorator…What's next on your list to try?"

"Ohhhh…" Dez nods. "But you do wanna hang out with me more too, right?"

"Just answer the quest- DEZ! LOOK OUT!" Trish shouts, seeing that they are getting way too close to a car ahead of them in the lane next to theirs. Dez had his eyes off the road for a little bit, causing him to nearly smash into the other car. He quickly swerves out of the way – the person in the other car shouting out profanities that he couldn't hear very well through the glass of his window. Thankfully. He smiles apologetically at the other driver, and then continues focusing on the road.

"We probably shouldn't talk until I get you home." Dez states, nervously, gripping at the wheel.

"I'll say. You could've gotten us both killed!" Trish growls. Dying in a car accident with Dez driving would've been a very tragic, and pretty darn predictable, way to die. Why she continues letting him drive her, she will never know.

"Or I coulda destroyed my mom's car!" Dez exclaims. "I would be dead either way."

"Okay, 'nuff talking," Trish pulls out a copy of "Cheetah Beat" from her purse and reads it silently for the rest of the trip. Of course, staying silent while Dez continues humming some annoying tunes of songs (hummed incorrectly, that is) made it hard for her to keep her mouth shut.


Dez parks the car at the curb next to Trish's place. "Aaaand, we are here!"

"And miraculously alive, thank goodness," Trish claims, raising her arms up in exasperation.

"Yeah…About that…" Dez rubs the back of his neck, as was his nervous habit. "Don't tell my mom or dad about my almost-accident. They'd never let me take the car out again!" he cries.

"They should never let you drive again after that!" Trish shouts. "Ugh, anyway. Thanks for the lift, I guess." She starts to calm down, for now.

Dez smiles, "Anytime Trishita Bonita." He winks and clicks at her.

…And Trish's calm flew out the window…

"Oh, no…No, no, no, no, no! Not you too! It's bad enough I have to hear that from Chuck!" Trish grits her teeth. "I swear, If you call me that again, Freckles, the Tooth Fairy's gonna have to leave you a lotta cash." She waves her fist in front of his face.

Taking a few moments to register what she had just said, Dez then covers his mouth and squeals, frightened. "No! Not my pearly whites! I need these! For chewing and stuff!"

Trish continues to glare at him as she unbuckles and hops out of the car. She realizes that Dez had never answered her question from earlier.

Too late.

Dez waves goodbye as he starts to drive off. She totally digs me, he thinks to himself.

Though, she asked a good question earlier. What is he going to do now?

He thought of several possibilities. His wide array of interests made it difficult to come to any strong decisions. Most of them being pretty artsy sort of things is helpful to know. At least he could figure out what kinds of schools he would like to apply to. Imagining life as an MD, accountant, or engineer would seem so strange to him - not to mention, catastrophic.

He ran a couple ideas through his head – trying his best to focus on the road, as well. He didn't need any more scares today. Two is plenty, he figures, thinking back to the previous almost-car accident as well as the movie he had watched with Trish. And well, Trish herself being pretty frightening when angry, as well…

He spends the next hour or so running the errands for his mom that he had mentioned before. He hoped that doing so would inspire him somehow. Strangely enough, they actually did.

He walks into his home, grocery bags in his arms, shouting out to no one in particular. "I know what I must do!"

"That's nice, honey – just leave the bags in the kitchen!" His mom calls out to him from the other room. "And thank you, dear." Dez does as told, then walks over to his mother.

"Hey, mom…" Dez starts rubbing the back of his neck. "Can I borrow a few things?"

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