Finale - Couples & Cameras

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Stupid, stupid, stupid, Dez mentally reprimands himself. He runs two fingers lightly over his lips, deep in thought about a certain incident from the previous day. Why did you have to go and do that? That was completely disrespectful to her, he continues berating himself. At the time, he did not put much thought into his actions. It just sort of…Happened. He played it off like it was nothing, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Dez had decided to hang out at the beach club today – sort of hoping that he'd bump into Trish. Talk things through, clear the air. She had been busy, however, working quite hard – almost as if she had been avoiding him. And he knows exactly why.

He continues processing his anxieties through his mind while sipping his smoothie. What if I lose her as a friend because of this? Would things be awkward now? Dang it, Dez. What did you-?!

His thoughts were interrupted suddenly by a large, tall brunette whispering flirtatiously into his ear, causing him to spit-take and drop his smoothie onto the ground. "Hey there, Dezzy-Roo."

"M-M-M-M-Mindy?!" Dez wipes some driblets of smoothie from his mouth and turns to face the girl. "Wha-…Um…What brings you here?"

"Well, I just had a little chat with Trish…And she said that I got the wrong idea the other day we talked. She's not into you. Which means...You're all mine." Mindy sits herself on a chair across the table from him, leaning her upper body towards him. She rests her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands, all the while batting her eyelashes.

Dez feels something in him sink a little at her words, and a cold feeling shoots through his now-tightened throat. "Sh-She said that?" Finding it hard to speak now, he fixes his gaze down to his slightly shaky hands. What is wrong with me? he wonders. The bodily sensations remind him of that night a little while back. The night he decided to quit filmmaking.

"So…How about I buy you another smoothie, huh, Dezzie-cakes?" Mindy asks him, caressing the side of his face. He doesn't react this time, and just continues to stare down at his hands, breathing shakily. After a few moments of no response, Mindy starts growing annoyed. "Dez!" she shouts at him.

Still no response.

"Mindy! There are you are!" a bubbly blonde calls out to her. She makes her way over to their table. "Hey, silly, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on that blind date I set up for you, hehe," the cheerful girl giggles, petting Mindy's hair. "Why're you still here?"

"Well, Dez was here, and-" Mindy starts.

"Dez? Oh, hi!" squeaked the girl, waving at our red-headed protagonist. Dez finally looks up. "It's been a while, how are you?"

"Oh…H-Hey, Carrie," Dez responds, giving her a weak smile. "I'm…Well, I'm okay, I guess. How've you been?"

"-Yeah, yeah, 'nuff of this small-talk. If you'll excuse us, Carrie, Dez and I are kinda busy talking here," Mindy interrupts, glaring a little at the blonde. Carrie tilts her head, observing Mindy.

"No, Mindy," she gently takes the brunette's hand. "We talked about this. He isn't the one for you. You'll both just end up getting hurt. Trust me, I know," she smiles warmly and continues, doing her little robot dance and using a robotic voice, "cause I am the love robot." Mindy raises a brow at the girl, looks back at Dez, then turns to face Carrie once again.

"I don't know…I mean…I really like Dez…" Mindy frowns. Dez starts to feel bad for her. He only recently discovered just how much it hurts to have someone you really care for not reciprocate those feelings.

"Well, if you keep pining after Dez, you'll never get to know what a great guy Dexter is, silly. You need to go on that date. Trust me, you'll like him a lot. And he really wants to meet you," Carrie explains, bouncing a bit in place in her signature giddy manner. Mindy ponders over Carrie's words carefully, Why am I still after Dez? Sure, he's cute, and interesting, and creative…But I deserve better than someone who's only nice to me out of fear. Mindy nods, silently processing Carrie's words. She stands up from her seat.

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