Styles & Streamers

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"Dez! Get over here and help me with these streamers!" Trish shouts from the staircase. The two of them are at Shredder's Beach Club, with Trish preparing for the birthday party she's supposed to throw and Dez…Well, building sandcastles. He claims it's for the kids to enjoy, but he really just wanted to build sandcastles.

"But I'm not finished! I'm making a replica of the Burj Khalifa tower of Dubai. Did you know it's the tallest building in the world? It's taller than-" Dez starts rattling off, only to be cut off by a very annoyed Trish. He drops his shovel and pouts at her.

"-Yeah, don't care. Get over here!" she demands again, attempting to untangle a wad of streamers. "Ugh!" Frustrated, she tosses it onto the ground. "I'll never finish in time!"

"Don't worry, Curly," Dez walks up onto the stairs to join her, speaking to her in a somewhat of a patronizing tone, "I'm sure you'll think of something." He pets her on the head as she glares up at him menacingly.

"If you don't stop petting me right now – you're losing that hand, Freckles!" She smacks his hand away.

"Ow!" he cries, pulling his hand back and rubbing the area that she had swatted.

"And stop calling me Curly," she mumbles, as if she did not really want him to stop using the endearing pet-name he had given her, but needed to save face. She proceeds with decorating the staircase, struggling a bit in doing so.

Trish leans over the railing to pull back a loose streamer that had fallen out of place. Dez notices her lack of balance and moves over behind her. Just in the nick of time, too, as she leans a bit too far – nearly falling forward off of the staircase.

"Wh- ahh!" Trish exclaims, losing her foothold. Dez wraps his arms around her waist from behind and pulls her back before she could fall.

"You need to be more careful, Trish! That would've been a pretty nasty fall…You could've gotten really hurt!" Dez chides her, still holding on.

"Stop talking to me like that – I'm not your kid!" the short girl pries herself free from his grip. Without facing him, she continues fixing the streamers. She wipes a bit of sweat from her forehead after she finishes up. "Done with the stairs. Ugh, finally." She turns around to face her freckled friend – who seemed to have been watching her the entire time with a glaring countenance. "What is it now, Dez?"

"A thank you would've been nice!" Dez throws his arms up in exasperation, then folds them across his chest. Trish chuckles slightly, shaking her head.

"You've been standing here for the past couple minutes, moping, cause I didn't thank you for treating me like a child? Dez, please." She starts down the stairs, heading towards cabana. Dez is quick to grab her arm to stop her.

"Just – be more careful, okay?" he states, losing the angry pout – replacing it with a softer look of concern. Trish furrows her brows in a confused manner.

"Alright, fine. I'll be more careful, yeesh. Let go of my arm!" she pulls away from his grip, proceeding to head towards the cabana. Dez shakes his head, smiling lightly.

Classic Trish.

It tends to bother him, initially, how unapologetic and ungrateful she seems to be, at least on the surface. Dez knows her better, though. This is just her way. Of course, it'd be nice to hear a 'thank you' directed towards me once in a while, he thinks.

He walks over to help her with the rest of the decorating – and to watch over her in case she ends up almost injuring herself again. It never occurred to Dez how clumsy Trish could be.

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