➳chapter two➳

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"So, wait, these people are basically just fuckboys and fuckgirls?" Reylynn asked, walking back into the room with snacks.

"Yeah! It's crazy, the losers explained all of the stuff they've done. They try to make someone fall in love just so they can fuck them. I swear I'll be lucky if I don't kill any of them by the end of the week."

It turns out that I had all the same classes as Sophia, so she took me around everywhere. She fed me gossip about the school and urged me to stay away from anyone who tries to flirt with me.

It's not like I wasn't going to anyway.

I sat with them at lunch, finally trying to get the subject off of how shitty the school was and onto lighter things. We learned a lot about each other.

Jaeden and Wyatt had been dating since freshman year, and Chosen, Jeremy, and Sophia just didn't like people.


"Look, Jack, as your best friend I have to tell you to stay away from them even if I already know you will," she advised, sitting on my bed and putting her legs over my lap.

"I'm a junior, I can make my own decisions."

"I'm your self proclaimed mother, I make your decisions for you."

I kicked her legs off of mine and stood up, grabbing a bag of chips she had left on my desk and opening up my laptop.

"Excuse me! We were having a conversation!" She exclaimed through a mouthful of skittles.

"Yeah, yeah. Wyatt told me all of the fuck-people or whatever's names, I just wanna see if they have Instagrams or something."

I swiveled my chair around to face my bright MacBook screen and shoved my face with Doritos before opening Instagram, ignoring my three friend requests and dms.

I felt Reylynn come up behind me, leaning her elbows on the chair and eating her skittles.

"It would be nice if you didn't chew in my ear," I mumbled, focused on typing in the only name I remembered: Finn Wolfhard.

The first search result read 'finnwolfhardofficial.' I mean. It was obviously the guy in question, nobody else has that name.

I took a sip of my coke before I fully paid attention to the screen. I heard Reylynn make a weird noise behind me so I directed my attention to his profile.

I choked on my drink.

He was hot. His hair was curly and crazy and very pullable, and he wore a lot of pastel and jeans so tight I could see his dick.

Reylynn hit me in the back of the head.

"Jack, no! I know you, you develop a crush on anything cute and with a dick so you better click that little x and get off his page."

My mouth was dry. I could barely hear her warning as I scrolled through his profile, each picture being as edgy Instagram would let you be.

I slammed my laptop shut and shrugged. "Nope, not falling for it."

Rey rolled her eyes. "You're lying. I can tell. I've been your best friend for 17 years, you don't think I'd know?"

"I'm not even 17 yet, so, suck it," I said matter-of-factly. "But seriously, I won't fall for him."

"Good, cause then you'd be a damn fool," she teased, checking the time on her phone. "Anyway, I gotta get going. I told Talia I'd meet her at her house."

I winked at her, spinning my chair around to face the door she was walking out of. "Don't do anything I wouldn't!"

"She's my girlfriend, and you'd do just about anything!" She yelled back, already practically out of the front door.

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