Fangirl #1 VS. Psycho Killer Ninja Man

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Violet's POV

A kunai thunked into the tree two inches from my saucer-sized eyes.

Ooh, that was a close one!

I stood from my crouch, letting the metal wire I'd been fiddling with slacken and fall lazily across the branch. Looking around didn't give me any answers; the kunai was embedded reaaallly far into the bark, so I figured whoever through it wasn't close by at all. I plucked the knife free from its prison and held it at eye-level. 

My eyes traveled down the length, darkening when I noticed the faint glimmering of chakra strings that were nearly disintegrated already, then widening again as the tag came into view. Scar. I didn't have to read over the hastily scrawled message to understand; she wasn't gonna come and meet me. 

I stared off into the trees, half-hoping she'd come bounding over just to smack the back of my head for being a moping baka.

I pushed the thought aside for the moment, just cause I knew she'd be way more upset with me for getting distracted when desperate times called for freaking desperate measures. I'd already finished with the wire, so I gripped the branch beneath me with both hands, jumped back and swung forward before letting go and landing in a half-crouch in the middle of the teeny-tiny clearing I'd been lucky enough to come across.

I missed Ari and Scar.

I wasn't afraid to admit. They were my sisters! I loved them more than anything, and I'd do anything to help them out. Sure we fought, we pushed each other to our limits and then some, but it didn't matter! Cause the three of us were family. Family didn't turn away from family.

But here I was, alone, wondering if my precious family was even still alive at this point. 

I slapped both hands to my cheeks, shaking my head furiously, for once ignoring the flying hair that never failed to make me giggle like a maniac. No. No bad thoughts, Violet! They were fine, they had to be fine. They'd survived the Akatsuki, so they were ok. It was just some Rock Ninja. They were fine.

...What would I do if they weren't?

"This place is just crawling with brats, isn't it?"

I flipped backward at the last moment, barely dodging the barrage of kunai and shuriken that now littered the ground I'd just been standing on. A foot came swinging for my head and I nearly doubled over backwards trying to dodge (because Scar woulda been mad at me for losing any more brain cells). I rolled back a few feet and jumped back up, reeling into something that kinda looked like a fighting stance. I wasn't going to copy off Lee-kun like Ari did and Sasuke was mean and evil so he was out too. Who else was there? Tenten! Eh, except I don't have any neat-o weapons like she does.... Temari! But no fan... sad face.... Ah! Got it!

I smiled cutely at the Iwa Ninja appraising me, holding out my fist, the other cocked at my hip. "My name is Violet Hayes, and I'm gonna be a cutie Suna Ninja! Believe it!"

I wished he woulda sweat dropped, but nope! Before I could pout and drag my feet through the dirt like a tiny toddler, he leapt at me, swinging a kunai around his finger. Just as he caught the handle and sent it spiraling towards me, I pushed off the ground, used the nearest tree as a springboard and soared overhead, my fingers already twisting into Signs. I felt the swell of heated chakra rising in my throat, so I cupped a hand around my mouth and let it loose. 

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!"

The tongues of flame shot straight for him, but with a wave of his hand a wall of earth slid up from the ground. The fire petered out seconds after smacking into the wall.

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