How to Make Sasuke and Itachi the Last Uchihas

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Scarlette's POV

The world - the agony along with it - came rushing back all at once, leaving me without a moment to catch my breath or prepare myself. Sight, hearing, touch - all overpowered by a flash of pain so vibrant and stark, my head reared back in whiplash.

I felt ready to explode from all the pressure built up in my body, being produced faster than it could be drawn out. Chakra. A seemingly infinite supply that had been lying dormant inside me, all this time, suddenly being unleashed without warning... My body simply couldn't handle the stress.

I only had moments before I was overwhelmed.

And then, a hand reached out, softly enveloped my own, brought with it a wave of relief.

I managed to pry open my tear-stained eyes, fighting back the nausea rolling in my clenched stomach. There stood (or rather, floated) Rin, a halo of light accompanying her; she smiled, seeing my eyes open and focused on her.

"Scarlette." She radiated warmth, the way Ari and Violet radiated insanity. It was a welcome change. "You've been through a lot." Her hand tightened around mine, her smile strained and helpless. "And I'm sorry that I'm the cause of all of it - everything since coming here, anyway."

It struck me that she knew all about our past, not just since arriving in this world - she knew it all. I swallowed thickly, feeling the sticky perspiration begin to break out on my palms. "I don't blame you." I despised just how small and quaking my voice came out, but it couldn't be helped.

Whether Rin believed me or not was irrelevant; she was clearly so engrossed with her own guilt that my opinion on the matter was all but lost on her. And can't I say I minded much. There were things I wished I could take back, things I would like to change. It's a tragedy of life, that not everything goes the way you'd like it. But it's reality, and must be dealt with accordingly.

And not by murdering three semi-innocent teens to bring back a dearly-departed.

That's just ridiculous.

It was only now that I realized that time had once again come to a subtle, rhythmic halt, with only Rin and I caught up in the motion of the world. A bubble of pure light had screened us from prying eyes up until this point, but now I saw that it was gradually dissipating, a mass of glitter falling away in slow-motion. We only had moments left in which we could talk peacefully, and I for one wasn't very enthusiastic about the prospect of tackling Obito once we were free. 

Rin - reading my fractured mind with what Ari later referred to as her epic ghost-y powers that are totally better than that goddamn Casper - gave my slick hand a reassuring squeeze and said, "No need to worry; I'll be with you and your sisters the whole time. Obito won't touch you, I promise."

As the last of the opaque eggshell evaporated, and the quickly-encroaching world brought back the sensation of having my insides scraped out through each and every pore tingling along my feverish skin, Rin mouthed the words live for a future that outweighs your past.

And I found myself smiling, a true Scar smile that Violet claimed was rarer than even the elusive Flying Mint Bunny, despite the feeling of fire rushing through my veins.

My heart skittered, skipped a frightening beat, then pounded like a herd of wild horses as my eyes flashed open to green trees, etheral, curling smoke, and one stupefied Uchiha.

The webs of sparking chakra that had latched onto me, digging beneath paper skin to reach the translucent treasure it guarded, began to recede, trickling in reverse and sliding out from my bruised flesh. Blood welled up in their place, flowing fast and free in a dizzying array that I forced myself to look away from. I was alive, for now; trivial (putting it mildly) matters could be handled when I felt I had the time.

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