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As always, I will start with disclaimers. I don't like them, you don't like them, but it's just gotta be.

No photos are mine!
I may edit some photos, but none of the original ones are mine. If I find fan art off a particular blog/account, I will credit them!

No lemons, please!
I know, I know... but seriously! Limes are as far as I will go. Sorry!

the Plot line Problem
This was kinda made on a whim. I've been wanting to do it buuuut I don't have a plan!

Requests are open!
That being said, please request them here, or in a PM
please state character, the relationship, plot, etc...

Edit: I will do basically anything
Yes, even stuff like incest (bc FICTIONAL incest in wincest)
I do draw the line at abusive relationships, wether that be a friendship or more.
If you want me to just mention abuse and not have it actually IN the story, I may do that. However if it's romanising it, glorifying it etc., I won't

And that's about it. Enjoy!

Solitary (Various x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now