Icarus' Letter to Me

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Dear you -

Do not compare yourself to me. Do not mistake my drowning with your burning. I had no power over the water that filled my lungs, over the waves that crashed against me, over the sun that watched me be pulled into the sea.

But you - you ungrateful mortal
You hold his heart in your chest not in your heart
You hold his breath in your lungs not in your fingers
You hold his love in your eyes not in your stomach
Do not create a whirlpool where there should be calm tidal pools

Do not compare your fears to the sun, the sun grows closer to our earth every day and it has no more power over how it scorches than the sky does of fading in and out of darkness and hues of blue. Do not compare his love to wings his love was the air allowing  you to stay in the sky and you you you pushed his strength with your self-destruction. You melted your makeshift wings because you wanted him to fail.

You are not the sun you are the tower I lived in. Your walls are stone and you are built to scream malice but your insides are hollow with empty corridors and hallways that end in trapped doors.

If i hadn't been engulfed by the water I never would have appreciated my wings. I hope that scorching yourself on purpose and blaming him for your need to dive head first into open water will teach you that the shores of every beach hold a piece of me - but it could also hold both of you as one. Do you see it now?
Your walls are stone and you gnash your teeth just so, but tell me don't you want your halls to hold laughter? Don't you want to find him in the corner of your heart? Roaming around your tower and into the crevices you don't ever clean?

Don't you see your selfish need to be a tragedy has murdered so many hearts?

- Icarus

P.S. we have both drowned ourselves for foolish reasons, dear child, but do not let my end be your guide. let the waves carry you to shore, collect my feathers strewn about, and let them fly into the ocean once more - so that I might one day create the perfect pair of wings - so that you see that you cannot melt what will set you free.

Don't you see, little bird, he is the air around you. Inhale and let him fill your lungs like the water filled mine. Let his whispers fill your heart. Let the sun melt your walls away.

Once more I just have to dedicate this to tillmore Kallibmatic and fallingstxrss because they are all wonderfully talented beings that deserve all the love in the world and because they never seize to amaze and inspire me. I love you all.

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