A Midsummer Night Between Us

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between the  s p a c e s

of broken bone

hiding in the marrow

dripping oil sweet essence

from a fragmented opening

you are there

squeezed between  h o l l o w s

of thatched trees

with budding flowers crushed

beneath heavy feet

you lie in a meadow


and it is between these  o p e n i n g s

that you rest

buried like sap 

you echo in me

shattered in my stomach

knotted in my throat

the boy I love

you are in-between  s h a d o w s

cast in the dark

and you lie there

in me

eternally  w h o l e

forever  b u r i e d 

in the underside of my

lavender, veiny eyelids

a beautiful boy

with sleep to mask

our heart-

b r e a k

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