Star Girl

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The moon once whispered to me a secret of the universe and I did not know what to do.
We were alone - her and I - I sat at my window
She sat atop the apple tree's crown
Bathing everything in electrum
There we were.

And I wasn't asking for a secret. We weren't gossiping at all.
We just sat there
Looking at each other and at the dark patches of the sky
When I saw Venus on the horizon
Peeping at us.

The moon looked at it and then at me. She orbited around me with the swaying of the tide.
I felt drops falling but the sky was clear
My eyes were wet
And your voicemail had been on repeat in my head for hours
That is when the moon
Whispered the secret to me.

"Little star-human, for you are made of stardust drenched in ochre, I have a secret to share. The stars are nosy little lights, they cluster together and talk of their travels. They are silly little ones, scatterbrained and frenzied.  But they have often spoken of you, dewdrop.

They have named you dying nebula. Your colors so divine they watch at your birth and your demise. But I have seen so many stars and
star-humans fade away that I had to sit here and see.

Little star-human, your eyes watch Venus and I. I'd like to think you liked us celestial beings in all our orbit, but do not envy us. You see, we are colorful and unreachable. But did you know, starling,

planets emerge in the stomach of a goodbye

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