Chapter One: The Beginning

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  It was the evening before school and Matt was in a slight mode of panic.

Tomorrow is the first day of school and I'm gonna get victimized cause I was born with a...somewhat feminine build!

Matt was starring at himself in the mirror. His hair was a bit long, almost in a bob-like cut, but all messy and unbrushed. He wore his circular glasses which he had to constantly push up, since they didn't fit him right. He had a bit of freckles surrounding his nose and they complimented his honey brown eyes with tiny touch of hazel. He wore a NASA shirt and black jeans. The shirt draped over him a bit and the jeans at the end were touching the floor, but they fit his waist perfectly.

He looked at himself and got a bit angry. He told his mother and father about it and they said to not to worry about it, since as he grows older his feminine like body will slowly grow more masculine, but he was running out of patience. He wanted to look like a male tonight. The teasing would stop, the constant need of hiding behind Shiro would stop and his best friend would be free from embarrassment. He rubbed his arm and kept thinking.

What am I gonna do what am I gonna do?! What am I-....that's it.

Matt ran out of his room and down the stairs. He saw his dog, Neptune, a German Sheppard, sleeping in his dog bed and his mom watching the news in the living room, while his 4 year old sister played with their dad's IPad. He ran in front of his mom and stopped right in front of her, startling her.

"Mom!" Matt said yelling a bit.

"What is it Matty?" She asked a still startled from her son's sudden appearance. He would always get embarrassed from that nickname, but now was not the time to tell her not to call him that.

"I need new clothes!" He said smiling.

"What are you talking about we just bought you new shirts and pants."

"No mom...girls clothes."

The mom looked at him a bit confused, "why do you need girl clothes, hun?"

"Mom remember how we had that talk with dad about how I should just ignore people constantly saying I'm a girl?"

"Of course hun."

"Well, what if you know...I countered those attacks and started to?"

"You mean cross dressing as a girl??"

"Yes! Is that okay??"

His mom thought for a minute. She knew that perhaps it would be a good idea, but what about the new clothes she just bought??? And certainly she would have to talk to Sam about this, but she didn't see any harm in it. When she looked up she saw, her own son, on his knees, hands held together, and his eyes big. She smiles and sighed.

"I'm okay with it, but on one condition. You have to wear some of the other clothes I bought you. Plus, we'll have to talk to your father."

Matt's eyes gleamed and he jumped up, fist bumping the air. He was so happy. He started to run around the house looking for his dad. He ran into the garage and went into his dad's office that was connected to a small bathroom on the first floor. He barged in and yelled, "DAD!!"

Sam, his father, looked up from his work and smiled, "what's up buckaroo?"

"Can mom and I go out and buy some girl clothes please?! Mom already said it was okay!!"

His dad raised an eyebrow, but still smiled.

"Girl clothes? Why on earth would you need those?"

"So I can teach those ahhhhhhhh...pricots of bullies, that I can work my amazing body."

It was silent for a second.

"You tried to save it I'll give you that." Said his father a bit disappointed that his own son was about to cuss in front of him, "and your mom said it was okay?"

Matt nodded.

"Very well, but you still need to wear your new clothes that your mom bought you."

"Already told me that and deal!" He said ecstatic. He smiled then ran off back to his mom who was in the kitchen giving Katie her dinner.

"He said yes mom!!" He said, probably one of the most happiest boy wanting girl clothes in his time. His mom looked up and Katie starred at him.

"Yes to what?" Asked Katie.

"Oh we're going to go shopping for more clothes for Matt." Responded the mom.

"Can I not come??" She asked.

"Sure hun." She said, then looked at Matt, "Go get in the car I'll meet you there."

Matt smiled and ran outside forgetting to close the door. Boy oh boy was he happy.

-------------------Time Skip------------------

When they got home it was 7:00 pm and Matt had a bunch of feminine clothing and a few dresses. He got leggings with designs on them and shirts with some cute prints and a few of them saying something of the sorts of, "No Coffee, No Happiness" or "I'm as cute as the devil herself. Watch out!" With a female child appropriate she-devil like character. He also got a few other shirts that had a alien design or just a regular color. He found these jeans that has a star like pattern and begged his mom to get them for him. Now he owed her $30. Nice.

He put his dress out on the bath room counter and got ready for bed. He decided to turn in early for the night that a way, he can get ready for the big day tomorrow. And boy was he excited, yet nervous at the same time.

As he was heading to bed he suddenly remembered something. His cover would be blown and would be endlessly teased by everyone in the whole school found out he was a boy crossdressing as a girl. He grabbed his laptop and started to hack into the schools staff roll call list and changed all of his names to "Matty" seizing any confusion. He knew gym would be a bit hard, but he could just skip it and hack into his grades change them to an "B". He couldn't be too nice to himself. He sighed and deleted his history and closed all the tabs.  He put his laptop away and started to close his eyes.

Tomorrow shouldn't be to hard, right?

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